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Microbiology Practice Exam Questions

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Micro Final Exam 2013 ( Pulse Batch ) Please take deep breath and start answer the question, Good Luck. * Exam Details : - Material - Num of qus - Duration - 16 chp + 1 viral lec + 1 bac lec - 100 qus - 100 min 1- which type of the following antibodies is most in activating complement ? A- IgG B- IgA monomer C- IgE D- Ig dimmer E- IgM Answer : E 2- All of the following is true about the catalase test except A- bacteria growing on blood agar can not be used to perform this test B- reagent for catalase test is 33% hydrogen peroxide C- Many aerobic bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide D- Immediate formation of bubbles means a positive test E- test can be done on the culture plate or using a glass slide Answer: B 3- hepatitis D virus ( delta agent ) is a defective virus that can replicate only in cells already infected with which of the following viruses ? A- Hepatitis B virus B- Epstein-Barr virus C- Hepatis A virus D- Hepatitis G virus E- HIV Answer: A 4- Regarding obligate intracellular bacteria, which of the following statements is true ? A- Rickettsia spp. are mainly transmitted through inhalation B- Rickettsia prowazekii belong to the spotted fever group of Rickettsia spp. C- Ehrichia spp. mainly target RBCs D- obligate intracellilar bacteria never attack the genital tract E- Infection with chlamydophila spp. may be a zoonotic disease Answer: E 5- TSST-1 is found in :A- Tetanus B- Diphtheria C- staphylococcus aureus infection D- cholera E- Endotoxic shock Answer: C 6- Na ...
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