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Bilderberg Group, Economic Hit Man & 9/11 Propaganda Article Analysis

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Name: Faiz Iskherh
Website Assignment Term Paper
Due Date: 11/22/2015
Econ 121 Online

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The Bilderberg Group
0 . Video: Bilderberg Group: The Exclusive Documentary.
There are many aspects of life that we, as normal citizens do not see. Jesse
Ventura’s exclusive documentary on the Bilderberg group sheds a light on a secret
group that attends public meetings but what goes on in those meetings is killingly
secret. The Bilderberg Group is made up of elite personal that come from all around the
world. This group includes David Rockefeller, Queen of the Netherlands, Condolisa
Rice, Prince Charles and many more high profile people. This group also includes high
people in the media. This is why it is being kept so secret. According to Ventura, this
group is destined to rule the planet.
The Bilderberg Group goes back as far as the 18
century with their first meeting
being held in a hotel named Bilderberg outside of Amsterdam in 1954 which is also
where they got their name. Since then, they have been meeting once a year with one
agenda on the table; depopulation. This group contains 120 people with one huge
weakness in governing the world. The numbers. They cannot possible contain 7 billion
people, with that, their main goal is depopulating the planet to a control 500 million
people. Alex Jones, a huge conspiracy theorist described this group as a massive mafia
with a clear agenda. The Bilderberg Group calls this agenda a New World Order. This
agenda can be seen in many places in the world with.
The depopulation cause of this group is being done according to many prominent
doctors, by vaccinations as well as putting some hidden chemicals that cause infertility

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Name: Faiz Iskherh Website Assignment – Term Paper Due Date: 11/22/2015 Econ 121 Online 1 The Bilderberg Group Website: 0 . Video: Bilderberg Group: The Exclusive Documentary. There are many aspects of life that we, as normal citizens do not see. Jesse Ventura’s exclusive documentary on the Bilderberg group sheds a light on a secret group that attends public meetings but what goes on in those meetings is killingly secret. The Bilderberg Group is made up of elite personal that come from all around the world. This group includes David Rockefeller, Queen of the Netherlands, Condolisa Rice, Prince Charles and many more high profile people. This group also includes high people in the media. This is why it is being kept so secret. According to Ventura, this group is destined to rule the planet. The Bilderberg Group goes back as far as the 18th century with their first meeting being held in a hotel named Bilderberg outside of Amsterdam in 1954 which is also where they got their name. Since then, they have been meeting once a year with one agenda on the table; depopulation. This group contains 120 people with one huge weakness in governing the world. The numbers. They cannot possible contain 7 billion people, with that, their main goal is depopulating the planet to a control 500 million people. Alex Jones, a huge conspiracy theorist described this group as a massive mafia with a clear agenda. The Bilderberg Gro ...
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