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ECE 203 Open House & Two Way Communication Strategy Discussion

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ECE 203: Intro to Cur & Inst for the Early Childhood Classroom
Instructor Jennifer Zaur
Week 1 Discussion
Preparing for Individualism
I am so sorry for the late post! I had a COVID scare but luckily, I tested negative.
Discuss at least one strategy you will use to gather information on your students in an effort to
get to know them and their family (interest inventory, home visit, etc.). Include the benefits of
the strategy and use a specific example of how you plan to implement it in your classroom.
One strategy that I will use to gather information about both my students and their families
would be to hold an “Open House” at the beginning of the year (and possibly even again at
second semester). I think Open Houses are so effective because it is a way for the students and
their families to explore the school building, find their classrooms, and meet their teacher (or
teachers). This is neat in that it allows the parents, or caregivers, the opportunity to see where
their child will be learning for themselves instead of just having a picture in their head. This
would also be a great time for the child to bring in their school supplies and get things settled
before the first day of school. Parents can help their child set up their desk, organize pencil
boxes, and so on. This is a time for families to be able to talk and connect with their child’s
teachers and ultimately foster continued learning outside of the classroom, at home. Open houses
provide the opportunity for teachers to provide parents with resources for any additional needs
they may have. If my school district includes a larger student body, scheduling times for certain
families to come in would be an option. There could be separate sessions such as session A’s
open house is from 3:00pm-5:30pm and then session B follows afterwards.
Open houses could incorporate interest inventories, too. An interest inventory is a questionnaire
created to collect information about the child’s routines and habits, likes and dislikes, and even
fears or anxiety (Jaruszewicz, 2019). During open house, I would pass these out for the parent and
their child to fill out and return to me before they leave. If for some reason a child and their family
is unable to attend open house, I will put the interest inventory in the child’s mailbox to take home
after the first official day of school and bring back the next day.
Discuss two approaches you will use to build trust with each of your students and why you
believe these approaches will be effective.
I will build trust with each of my students by providing structure and using the child’s interests
to help make learning fun for them. The best way to build trust with a student is to show that you
care about them and the things they love. By knowing and using my students interests
(collectively as a group or even individually), I will be able to provide lesson plans that are more
engaging to the children, which will help raise participation. Sometimes mundane, tedious
lessons and learning materials can turn off children’s passion and motivation for learning, which

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can carry on throughout the rest of their educational journeys. While it is important for the
students to have fun and find their passion for learning, it is also important to provide structure
for the children to learn and have fun in. Structure allows children to feel safe. I will incorporate
structure into the classroom by making sure there is little to no downtime; each day should be
filled with engaging lesson plans and activities, (Meader, 2020). While downtime does rest and
relaxation, it can also lead to behaviors from a child being bored, not being able to burn off their
energy, and so forth.
Discuss two approaches you will use to build trust with families and why you believe these
approaches will be effective.
Programs and teachers engage families in ways that are truly reciprocal:
“Programs and families benefit from shared resources and information. Programs invite families
to share their unique knowledge and skills and encourage active participation in the life of the
school. Teachers seek information about children’s lives, families, and communities and
integrate this information into their curriculum and teaching practices,’ (NAEYC).
This is another place where interest inventories come into play and are beneficial. By handing
out the questionnaire, as well as taking the time to read it and communicate with the child and
their families, I will effectively be seeking information about the child’s lives, families (culture,
communities), and their likes and dislikes. While some questionnaires are more aimed at favorite
colors, movies, books, tv shows, etc. I will make sure that the interest inventory I utilize will ask
about a child’s culture, religion (or beliefs in general), family information such as siblings, two
parent homes or one parent home, caregivers, and so forth.
Teachers and programs engage families in two-way communication.
“Strategies allow for both school- and family-initiated communication that is timely and
continuous. Conversations focus on a child’s educational experience as well as the larger
program. Communication takes multiple forms and reflects each family’s language preference,”
At the open house, I will express that my classroom will be an open classroom for parents or
families to be able to drop in whenever they may want to. I would encourage families to try and
stray from distracting during lessons or learning. I will have the class schedule posted both in the
classroom and right outside the classroom on a bulletin board by the door. This can let the
parents know what activity or learning their child will be participating in and at what times.
I will encourage my students families to reach out whenever they need or want to. They can
openly talk to me in person or through emails, phone calls, and/or letters sent to and from the
school via the child. Open communication allows the families and myself to be on the same page
about certain things and can help guide everyone from miscommunication and
If my student’s families speak another language or needs a translator, I will make sure to have a
translator present in person or have the family reach out through them as well.

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ECE 203: Intro to Cur & Inst for the Early Childhood Classroom Instructor Jennifer Zaur Week 1 Discussion Preparing for Individualism I am so sorry for the late post! I had a COVID scare but luckily, I tested negative. Discuss at least one strategy you will use to gather information on your students in an effort to get to know them and their family (interest inventory, home visit, etc.). Include the benefits of the strategy and use a specific example of how you plan to implement it in your classroom. One strategy that I will use to gather information about both my students and their families would be to hold an “Open House” at the beginning of the year (and possibly even again at second semester). I think Open Houses are so effective because it is a way for the students and their families to explore the school building, find their classrooms, and meet their teacher (or teachers). Th ...
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