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Paraphilia Research Paper

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Name of paraphilia: Dacryphilia
Description of paraphilia (4 points):
Dacryphilia (also known as dacrylagnia) is a form of paraphilia in which one is
aroused by tears or sobbing. The term comes from the Greek words dacry- meaning "tears,"
and philia meaning "love." Dacryphilia is not limited to BDSM and may be experienced by
those who do not consider themselves a dominant or submissive. They may be aroused when
their partner cries during a movie or from the normal emotional vulnerability and strong
feelings of love that may make a partner cry during intercourse.
What scientists say about the paraphilia (5 points):
Dacryphilia refers to sexual pleasure or arousal from seeing tears or hearing the sounds of
crying. Some people are turned on by dominating or controlling another person during sex.
This can include emotional control as well as physical. Some people are turned on by
watching other people cry or become emotional. This is called passive dacryphilia. The
reason for crying doesn’t always influence arousal. Some people with the kink may enjoy
seeing tears or hearing sobs no matter the cause. Some people with dacryphilia may be turned
on by crying regardless of whether they know the crier. In fact, dacryphilia chat boards
commonly feature messages of people describing seeing people they don’t know crying and
becoming aroused as a result. Dacryphilia occurs in both men and women, but this was the
first study of its kind. It’s unclear who experiences this kink more frequently and why, or
whether their sexual orientation is a factor in whose tears arouse them. Most people with this
particular kink aren’t going to become aroused after watching a stranger cry in a movie
theater or by seeing someone embarrassed by a bully.

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What people who have the paraphilia say about having it (4 points):
- "Truffle," a 24-year-old American graduate student, wrote on Crying Lovers, "A
nurse at my place of work was sitting in a call room, reading something on her
- "Reptongeek" from North Yorkshire, England, replied, "I need a real life observation
like [this] so bad! I've resorted to asking certain female co-workers if they want to
have a staring contest to see if they cry, but it never works."
- "Ulrlshtar" a 24-year-old Belgian participant in the study from, said
that she enjoys being dominated either mentally/emotionally or
physically/masochistically until she can't hold back tears. Tears became a secondary
component, more indicative of successful BDSM to her.
- "TorNorth," told the researchers that he's primarily attracted to "curled lips." In an
interview for the study, he says that he likes the "protruding, curling, contorting or
bulging of the bottom lip when women cry."
What childhood events might have caused the paraphilia (4 points):
When a child cries, there is usually an adult that will come in and talk to the child. For
those moments, the child learned that every time they cry there will be someone around them.
This keeps on going through their childhood life. Some take it even further and include
sexual attraction with it.
References or websites you consulted (3 points):

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Name of paraphilia: Dacryphilia Description of paraphilia (4 points): Dacryphilia (also known as dacrylagnia) is a form of paraphilia in which one is aroused by tears or sobbing. The term comes from the Greek words dacry- meaning "tears," and philia meaning "love." Dacryphilia is not limited to BDSM and may be experienced by those who do not consider themselves a dominant or submissive. They may be aroused when their partner cries during a movie or from the normal emotional vulnerability and strong feelings of love that may make a partner cry during intercourse. What scientists say about the paraphilia (5 points): Dacryphilia refers to sexual pleasure or arousal from seeing tears or hearing the sounds of crying. Some people are turned on by dominating or controlling another person during sex. This can include emotional control as well as physical. Some people are turned on by watching o ...
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