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Discrimination and Social Injustice Annotated Bibliography

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Discrimination and social injustice has permeated almost all the social institutions and is
threatening cohesion and the realization of goals within these institutions. Care facilities have not
been immune to this vice and are threatening the core functions of care, including the realization
of universal health care, bringing together researches to develop better care administration
mechanisms, and harnessing of care resources to better healthcare.
Levy, B. S., & Sidel, V. W. (2006). The nature of social injustice and its impact on public
health. Social injustice and public health, 1.
This source analyzes the nature of social injustice and its impact on healthcare. The
source is of the stand that social injustice creates conditions that adversely influence the health of
individuals and communities. It denies equal opportunities to meet their basic health needs and
also violates their fundamental human rights. The source captures the concepts of social justice,
which may be essential in defining forms of social injustice and discrimination in health. The
article reflects on the relationship between the vice and determinants of infectious diseases
through the study of disease patterns. It thereafter gives way forward on what needs to be done to
eliminate discrimination and social injustice in health.
Giddings, L. S. (2005). Health disparities, social injustice, and the culture of nursing.
Nursing Research, 54(5), 304-312.
This article looks into the role of nurses in instances of injustice and discrimination in
healthcare settings. Nurses are well-positioned to challenge institutionalized social injustices that
amount or lead to health disparities. The research is aimed at collecting stories of difference and

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Annotated Bibliography Student`s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Introduction Discrimination and social injustice has permeated almost all the social institutions and is threatening cohesion and the realization of goals within these institutions. Care facilities have not been immune to this vice and are threatening the core functions of care, including the realization of universal health care, bringing together researches to develop better care administration mechanisms, and harnessing of care resources to better healthcare. Levy, B. S., & Sidel, V. W. (2006). The nature of social injustice and its impact on public health. Social injustice and public health, 1. This source analyzes the nature of social injustice and its impact on healthcare. The source is of the stand that social injustice creates conditions that adversely influence the health of individuals and communities. It denies equal opportunities to meet their basic health needs and also violates their fundamental human rights. The source captures the concepts of social justice, which may be essential in defining forms of social injustice and discrimination in health. The article reflects on the relationship between the vice and determinants of infectious diseases through the study of disease patterns. It thereafter gives way forward on what needs to be done to eliminate discrimination and social injustice in health. Giddings, L. S. (2005). Health disparities, social injustice, and the culture of nursing. Nursin ...
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