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General Data Protection Regulation Annotated Bibliography

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General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)

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General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)
The General Data Protection Regulation was recently adopted by the EU in order to keep
up to pace with the development of new digital and cyberspace trends like big data, data brokers,
algorithmic decision making and data breaches. The regulation seeks to protect natural persons
with regard to the processing of personal data by making that safeguard to be a fundamental right
under EU laws. the regulation contains 99 articles that stipulate rights of persons and
responsibilities placed on also contains eight individuals rights ranging from
allowing persons to have easier access to what data businesses hold about them, to clear
obligation for organizations to obtain consent. Most importantly, the limit placed on fines for the
violation has increased from £500,000 to at least €20million. The regulation took effect on 25
May 2018 and covers all of the 31 EU/EEA member states as the drafters have managed to bring
into line data protection bylaws at both EU and national levels (Official Journal of the European
Union, 2018). The regulation contains a whole new set of provisions that seek to offer a
principle-driven, human-rights oriented, and processing focused approach to personal data
Annotated Bibliography
Díaz Díaz, E. (2016). The new European Union General Regulation on Data Protection and
the legal consequences for institutions. Church, Communication and Culture, 1(1), 206-239.
This article offers an explanation of the new legal regime created by the passage of
GDPR and how that regime is different from the previous European Directive on Data
Protection. The study offers one of the most detailed analyses of GDPR in the new digital
market. For instance, Diaz demonstrates how GDPR lack of market fragmentation can help in
easing cross-border business and corporate activities. Diaz asserts that since GDPR has
eliminated the division of the market, there is now a greater assurance of the fundamental rights
and freedoms of EU citizen's digital life. Diaz also demonstrates how and why the regulations
are up to date and how they will modernize the value of privacy in the EU. Diaz then concludes
that GDPR regulations will be effective because the provisions aren't constrained by existing
fragmented EU member states individual regulations. However, one shortcoming of the article is
that it has failed to deeply look at the logistics and processes that organizations and businesses
are using or will be forced to implement in trying to comply with the regulations. Nonetheless,

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Running head: PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (Name) (University) 1 PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION 2 General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) Abstract The General Data Protection Regulation was recently adopted by the EU in order to keep up to pace with the development of new digital and cyberspace trends like big data, data brokers, algorithmic decision making and data breaches. The regulation seeks to protect natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by making that safeguard to be a fundamental right under EU laws. the regulation contains 99 articles that stipulate rights of persons and responsibilities placed on also contains eight individuals rights ranging from allowing persons to have easier access to what data businesses hold about them, to clear obligation for organizations to obtain consent. Most importantly, the limit placed on fines for the violation has increased from £500,000 to at least €20million. The regulation took effect on 25 May 2018 and covers all of the 31 EU/EEA member states as the drafters have managed to bring into line data protection bylaws at both EU and national levels (Official Journal of the European Union, 2018). The regulation contains a whole new set of provisions that seek to offer a principle-driven, human-rights oriented, and processing focused approach to personal data protection. Annotated Bibliography Díaz Díaz, ...
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