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University of Phoenix Wk 5 Cognitive Empathy Paper

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Week 5: Cognitive Empathy Interview and Observation 1
Week 5: Cognitive Empathy Interview and Observation
Danielle Ita Worley
University of Phoenix

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Week 5: Cognitive Empathy Interview and Observation 2
Week 5: Cognitive Empathy Interview and Observation
Roman Krznaric’s (2012) video RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection presents the
viewer with the assertion that individuals can find out who they are and what they want to do with
their lives through the power of outrospection. The concept of outrospection, the author notes,
notably contrasts that of introspection and the self-help era of the 20th century, which fostered
instead a culture where discovering one’s self is through internal self-reflection. With
outrospection, scholars can experience self-discovery by learning about other people, finding out
how they live, what and how they think, and how they perceive the world. This empathetic
approach, therefore, is at the core of how individuals live and engage with the world.
Stepping out of the comfort of internal self-reflection, introspection, to engage in
outrospection, promotes cognitive empathy, creative thinking, strengthen relationships, and
perhaps creates radical social transformations (Krznaric, 2012). Healy and Grossman (2018) share
similar sentiments, stating that “both perspective-taking and empathy are critical in guiding
successful social interactions, effective communication, and prosocial behavior.” Furthermore,
Krznaric (2012) asserts that society is in a global shift from being an introspective society to an
outrospective one. This global shift will require individuals to step outside to see the whole world
and unique the unique perspectives of others as opposed to viewing single stories from personal
windows. The ability to distinguish and utilize affective and cognitive empathy provides this
researcher with considering multiple aspects for synthesizing research, supporting various
stakeholders in many facets of education, and as a leader within the professional organization.
Healy and Grossman (2018) define perspective-taking as recognizing and appreciating
another’s point of view and note not only its crucial inclusion in developing interpersonal

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Week 5: Cognitive Empathy – Interview and Observation Week 5: Cognitive Empathy – Interview and Observation Danielle Ita Worley University of Phoenix 1 Week 5: Cognitive Empathy – Interview and Observation 2 Week 5: Cognitive Empathy – Interview and Observation Introduction Roman Krznaric’s (2012) video RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection presents the viewer with the assertion that individuals can find out who they are and what they want to do with their lives through the power of outrospection. The concept of outrospection, the author notes, notably contrasts that of introspection and the self-help era of the 20th century, which fostered instead a culture where discovering one’s self is through internal self-reflection. With outrospection, scholars can experience self-discovery by learning about other people, finding out how they live, what and how they think, and how they perceive the world. This empathetic approach, therefore, is at the core of how individuals live and engage with the world. Stepping out of the comfort of internal self-reflection, introspection, to engage in outrospection, promotes cognitive empathy, creative thinking, strengthen relationships, and perhaps creates radical social transformations (Krznaric, 2012). Healy and Grossman (2018) share similar sentiments, stating that “both perspective-taking and empathy are critical in guiding successful social interactions, effective communication, and prosocial behavior.” Furthermore, K ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
