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University of Phoenix SPL Model Essay

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University of Phoenix
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Reflecting on the SPL Model
Danielle Ita Worley
University of Phoenix

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Reflecting on the SPL Model
The Scholar, Practitioner, and Leader model - SPL, is a model designed to develop the
maximum critical thinking, scholastic, and leadership capacities of the doctoral student
(University of Phoenix, 2018). While differentiated instruction plays a vital role in increased
student achievement and narrowed performance gaps, teachers are inconsistently using
differentiated instruction to support learners’ diverse learning needs consequently causing
teachers to struggle with ensuring equitable support for all students. A resilient educational
leader drives the instructional practices of teachers and the achievement level of students.
Acknowledging and embracing the necessary change to support differentiated instruction
establishes educational leaders as the support teachers need when utilizing these instructional
Reflecting on my understanding of the Scholarship-Practitioner-Leadership (SPL) Model
and how I might integrate this model into my professional practice, I understand the importance
of approaching my research and writing in an objective manner to avoid bias and ambiguity in
my purpose. The research and scholarly writing, I now know, takes an analytical, applied
research method to present solutions to problems currently exist or to offer potential
improvements to the field of education. The responsibility of creating scholarly pieces having
profound and lasting changes to my field is something I better understand and plan to embrace as
I continue this journey. The SPL Model can help me in developing improvements to and new
perspectives of the problems many educators face daily. Through the scholarship lens, I will be
able to effectively identify and build background knowledge to a problem by analyzing peer-
reviewed literature published within the last five years. The practitioner lens allows me to begin
building and substantiating the argument by analyzing and evaluating additional literature related

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Running head: REFLECTING ON THE SPL MODEL Reflecting on the SPL Model Danielle Ita Worley University of Phoenix 1 REFLECTING ON THE SPL MODEL 2 Reflecting on the SPL Model The Scholar, Practitioner, and Leader model - SPL, is a model designed to develop the maximum critical thinking, scholastic, and leadership capacities of the doctoral student (University of Phoenix, 2018). While differentiated instruction plays a vital role in increased student achievement and narrowed performance gaps, teachers are inconsistently using differentiated instruction to support learners’ diverse learning needs consequently causing teachers to struggle with ensuring equitable support for all students. A resilient educational leader drives the instructional practices of teachers and the achievement level of students. Acknowledging and embracing the necessary change to support differentiated instruction establishes educational leaders as the support teachers need when utilizing these instructional initiatives. Reflecting on my understanding of the Scholarship-Practitioner-Leadership (SPL) Model and how I might integrate this model into my professional practice, I understand the importance of approaching my research and writing in an objective manner to avoid bias and ambiguity in my purpose. The research and scholarly writing, I now know, takes an analytical, applied research method to present solutions to problems currently exist or to offer potential improvements to the field of educatio ...
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