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University of Phoenix Wk 6 Team Leadership Discussion

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`Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion
Danielle Ita Worley
University of Phoenix

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Running head: Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion 2
`Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
University of Phoenix Course Material
Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion
Discuss how the Hill Model for Team Leadership, presented in Ch. 14, “Team Leadership,” of Northouse
(2019), might apply within your field or discipline.
Team leadership within an educational system are key drivers in meeting the ever-changing technologies
and policy changes that continually shift the way educators work and students learn. The constant changes of
the education system has made it increasingly more difficult for leaders to effectively lead and learn. A leader's
emotional intelligence can have far-reaching influence over their relationships, how they manage their teams, and
generally how they interact with individuals in the workplace. A school is comprised of interconnected components
that influence one another, and the actions taken in the pursuit of obtaining shared goals (Northouse, 2019,
p.371). In this model, all stakeholders are working simultaneously as leaders and learners creating a positive
school climate that can improve student achievement. Job-embedded professional development and curriculum
coaching are common resources utilized by districts and schools to support teachers in delivering high-quality
My current profession heavily relies on team-based and technology enabled structures which allows the
company I work with to recruit educators from across the nation to collaborate beyond geographical boundaries
to quickly respond and adapt to the specific needs of individual schools. The processes and outcomes of our
company allow us to increase productivity through instructional practices and students' academic gains by
providing stakeholders with innovative methods to deliver quality services with effective resources. Our team
leader monitors our progress just as we monitor and measure the progress of the teachers and schools we
support to determine when to take actions necessary to ensure the overall effectiveness of the team.
The leader's actions, just as those of Hill's Model for Team Leadership, can be either internal or external
depending on the leader's mental model of the situation (Northouse, 2019, pp. 373-374). The cycle of reflecting
on successes and challenges of our work allows for shared team effectiveness in performance and development,
as well as a source from which action plans can be developed to ensure teams are effective and proactive in
identifying and overcoming challenges. The behaviors exhibited within Hill’s Model of Team Leadership
compliment the transformational or charismatic leadership approach.
Transformational or charismatic leadership, a process that changes and transforms people, is part of the
“New Leadership” paradigm focused on the charismatic and affective qualities of leadership that emphasizes
intrinsic motivation and development of followers who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times
of uncertainty (Afshari, L., Gibson, P., 2016, p. 507-519; Baškarada, S., Watson, J., Cromarty, J., 2016, p. 506-
515; de Charon, 2003, p. 9-18; Megheirkouni, Amaugo, & Jallo, 2018, p. 247; Novicevic, Harvey, Buckley,
Brown, & Evans, 2006, p. 64-76; Northouse, 2019, p. 163-188; Vito, Higgins, & Denney, 2014, p. 809-810).

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Running head: Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion Danielle Ita Worley University of Phoenix `Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Running head: Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion 2 University of Phoenix Course Material Week 6: Team Leadership Discussion Discuss how the Hill Model for Team Leadership, presented in Ch. 14, “Team Leadership,” of Northouse (2019), might apply within your field or discipline. Team leadership within an educational system are key drivers in meeting the ever-changing technologies and policy changes that continually shift the way educators work and students learn. The constant changes of the education system has made it increasingly more difficult for leaders to effectively lead and learn. A leader's emotional intelligence can have far-reaching influence over their relationships, how they manage their teams, and generally how they interact with individuals in the workplace. A school is comprised of interconnected components that influence one another, and the actions taken in the pursuit of obtaining shared goals (Northouse, 2019, p.371). In this model, all stakeholders are working simultaneously as leaders and learners creating a positive school climate that can improve student achievement. Job-embedded professional development and curriculum coaching are common resources utilized by districts and schools to support teachers in delivering high-quality instruction. My current ...
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