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B095 Module 02 Written Equations Exercises

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B095 Module 02 Written Assignment
Instructions: All problems are worth 5 points. Make sure you are showing all steps and explaining
yourself in detail in the boxes below the problems for full points. Try using the equation editor to show
your work. If needed, you may write your steps out by hand and upload a scanned version of the
1. Provide the codeword given in the Module 02 Part 1 Live Lecture.
2. Provide the codeword given in the Module 02 Part 2 Live Lecture.
3. Is {(2,4), (-2, 6), (5, 2), (9, 4)} a function? Why or why not? Explain.
Rockford, Il
Yes, it’s a function. Not one set of the ordered pairs have a repeated x-value.

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4. Simplify 4𝑎 5[3𝑎 2
6𝑎 + 7
]. Hint: Be careful with your negative!
5. Explain and give an example of both the commutative property and the associative property.
Show all of your steps to simplify here.
4𝑎 5
12𝑎 14
Explain and give an example of the commutative property. Commutative you can add
numbers in any order. Or you can multiply numbers in any order.
4*7=28 7*4=28 2+4=6 4+2=6
Explain and give an example of the associative property. Changing the grouping of the
addition or multiplication of the terms doesn’t change the answer.

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B095 Module 02 Written Assignment Instructions: All problems are worth 5 points. Make sure you are showing all steps and explaining yourself in detail in the boxes below the problems for full points. Try using the equation editor to show your work. If needed, you may write your steps out by hand and upload a scanned version of the homework. 1. Provide the codeword given in the Module 02 – Part 1 Live Lecture. Rockford, Il 2. Provide the codeword given in the Module 02 – Part 2 Live Lecture. Christmas 3. Is {(2,4), (-2, 6), (5, 2), (9, 4)} a function? Why or why not? Explain. Yes, it’s a function. Not one set of the ordered pairs have a repeated x-value. 4. Simplify 4𝑎 − 5[3𝑎 − 2(6𝑎 + 7)]. Hint: Be careful with your negative! Show all of your steps to simplify here. 4𝑎 − 5[3𝑎 − (12𝑎 − 14)] 4a-5[-9a-14] 4a+45a+70 49a+70 5. Explain and give an example ...
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