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Police Brutality in Turkey & Europa Discussion

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Political Science
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A protester shows his wounded eye. Police brutality was one of the main issues arising from the 2013
protests in Turkey.
Turkey has a history of police brutality, including the use of torture particularly between 1977 and 2002.
Police brutality featured excessive use of tear gas (including targeting protesters with tear gas
canisters),[49] pepper spray, and water cannons. Physical violence against protesters has been
observed, for example, in the suppression of Kurdish protests and May Day demonstrations. The 2013
protests in Turkey were in response to the brutal police suppression of an environmentalist sit-in
protesting the removal of Taksim Gezi Park.
In 2012 several officials received prison sentences for their role in the death in custody of the political
activist Engin Çeber.
The European Court of Human Rights has noted the failure of the Turkish investigating authorities to
carry out effective investigations into allegations of ill-treatment by law enforcement personnel during
In Vienna, there is an association made between Vienna's drug problem and the city's African migrants,
which have led to African migrants being racially profiled.[51]
There have been a number of highly publicized incidents in Austria where police have either tortured,
publicly humiliated, or violently beaten peoplein some cases to the point of death. While the most
notorious of these incidents occurred in the late 1990s, incidents as recent as 2019 are being
investigated by the Vienna Police Department for Special Investigations.[52]

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urkey A protester shows his wounded eye. Police brutality was one of the main issues arising from the 2013 protests in Turkey. Turkey has a history of police brutality, including the use of torture particularly between 1977 and 2002. Police brutality featured excessive use of tear gas (including ta ...
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