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NUR 652 UL Advanced Statistics for Nursing Questions

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University of Louisville School of Nursing
NUR 652 Advanced Statistics
Homework #7
Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based
Practice, 2nd Edition
SPSS Survival Manual, 6
Questions to Be Graded Worth 100 points (6.25 each)
Name:__ ________________________ Class: _NURS 652_______
Date: _______________________________________________
Chi Square and Correlation Coefficients:
1. The chi-square test is best described as:
a. a type of correlation..
b. a parametric test.
c. a nonparametric test.
d. one of the above.
2. The chi-square test is used to determine if the proportions are different among:
a. two groups only defined by one variable.
b. three groups only defined by one variable.
c. four groups only defined by one variable.
d. four or more groups defined by two variables.
3. The Fisher’s exact test is used when:
a. the observed frequency in a cell is less than five.
b. the expected frequency in a cell is less than five.
c. more precision in the computation is warranted.
d. none of the above is true.
4. A cross-tabulation is an appropriate way to display data that are:
a. ratio.
b. interval.
c. ordinal (with many values)
d. nominal.

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5. Which of the following tests should be used to answer the question: Are men or women
more likely to use seatbelts?
a. Chi-square test
b. McNemar test
c. t test
d. a and b only
6. Which of the following tests should be used to answer the question: Are teenagers more
likely to use a seat belt after viewing a graphic highway safety video? (measuring pre and
a. Chi-square test
b. McNemar test
c. t test
d. a and b only
7. In cross-tabulation table, what does “A + B + C + D” represent?
a. the number of people with the condition
b. the number of people without the condition
c. the total sample
d. none of the above
8. The Pearson correlation test is best described as:
a. a type of ANOVA.
b. a parametric test.
c. a nonparametric test
d. none of the above.
9. The Pearson correlation coefficient is best used to determine the association of:
a. two ratio variables to each other.
b. three or more ratio variables to each other.
c. two nominal variables to each other.
d. three or more ordinal variables to each other.
10. The Pearson correlation coefficient is most appropriate to use when:
a. neither of the variables is normally distributed.
b. one of the variables is normally distributed.
c. both of the variables are normally distributed.
d. none of the above.
11. The Pearson correlation coefficient provides a measure of:
a. u-shaped relationships
b. the strength of curvilinear relationships.
c. the strength of linear relationships
d. all of the above.
12. Correlation coefficients measure:

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University of Louisville School of Nursing NUR 652 – Advanced Statistics Homework #7 Textbooks: • Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, 2nd Edition • SPSS Survival Manual, 6th Edition Questions to Be Graded – Worth 100 points (6.25 each) Name:__ ________________________ Class: _NURS 652_______ Date: _______________________________________________ Chi Square and Correlation Coefficients: 1. The chi-square test is best described as: a. a type of correlation.. b. a parametric test. c. a nonparametric test. d. one of the above. 2. The chi-square test is used to determine if the proportions are different among: a. two groups only defined by one variable. b. three groups only defined by one variable. c. four groups only defined by one variable. d. four or more groups defined by two variables. 3. The Fisher’s exact test is used when: a. the observ ...
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