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NURS 357 University of Louisville Maternal Newborn Nursing Questions

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Maternal-Newborn Nursing
University of Louisville NURS 357
Prep work for Labor stations
Objective: The student will be able to
1. Discuss fetal heart rate monitoring
2. Discuss non-pharmacological methods of pain relief for laboring women
3. Describe Leopold’s maneuvers
4. Practice Leopold’s maneuvers
5. Practice cervical exams
Individual short case studies will be utilized during non-pharmacological methods of pain relief
for laboring women. These will be distributed during your clinical time.
View “Electronic Fetal Monitoring”; “Pain Control” and “Physical and Cognitive treatment” &
Labor and Delivery located on Kornhauser Library site.
Follow the path listed under clinical tab for videos.
Student’s learning will encompass:
1. Identification of normal fetal heart tone range
2. Types of FHR decelerations
3. How to monitor FHT’s
4. Listing basic forms of non-pharmacologic methods of pain relief
5. Identifying appropriate application for non-pharmacologic pain relief measures
6. Demonstration of Leopold’s maneuvers
7. Relevance of cervical exams
8. Demonstration of cervical exams
This is not a graded clinical activity; however, your full attention and participation is required to
fulfill the clinical requirement.

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Maternal-Newborn Nursing
University of Louisville NURS 357
1. Briefly explain what kind of fetal monitoring is routinely used in L&D. Why is it
a. Electronic fetal monitoring is used frequently in L&D because it continually
monitors the fetal heartbeat during labor and the contractions that the mom is
2. Name 3 contraindications for internal fetal heart rate monitoring? Why?
a. A woman who has herpes, HIV or a hepatitis infection fetal heart rate monitoring
is contraindicated because the diseases are highly transmissible from mom and
3. What is an indication for rupturing amniotic membranes?
a. A gush of fluid from the vagina towards the end of pregnancy.
4. What causes an early deceleration?
a. Early decelerations are the result of contractions during labor that compress the
baby’s head while they are in the birth canal and this can cause the baby’s heart
rate to drop during the contraction.
5. Are there any corrective actions for early decelerations?
a. No nursing intervention is required but monitoring should be continued to
monitor significant changes in mom or baby.
6. What causes a variable deceleration?
a. Contractions that compress the umbilical cord of the fetus.
7. Are there any corrective actions for variable decelerations?
a. To help try to correct variable decelerations the nurse can help reposition the
mom. The nurse also might administer oxygen to the mom to help hyper
oxygenate the mom so that the baby receives adequate oxygen.
8. What causes a late deceleration?
a. Late decelerations are the result of frequent contractions.
9. Are there any corrective actions for late decelerations?
a. The nurse may want to see about discontinuing Pitocin to help lessen the
frequency of uterine contraction if the patient is receiving Pitocin. The nurse
needs to administer oxygen to the mom to ensure that the baby is getting enough
oxygen. The nurse needs to monitor the fetal heart rate continuously and can
assist the mom into a different position.
10. What is the normal range for fetal heart rate?
a. The normal fetal heart rate range is between 110 and 160.
11. Describe tachycardia for a fetus
a. A heart rate that is higher than 160.
12. Describe bradycardia for a fetus
a. A low heart rate, typically lower than 120 or 100.
13. Briefly explain how to perform Leopold’s maneuvers. Why is this maneuver

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Maternal-Newborn Nursing University of Louisville NURS 357 Prep work for Labor stations Objective: The student will be able to 1. Discuss fetal heart rate monitoring 2. Discuss non-pharmacological methods of pain relief for laboring women 3. Describe Leopold’s maneuvers 4. Practice Leopold’s maneuvers 5. Practice cervical exams Individual short case studies will be utilized during non-pharmacological methods of pain relief for laboring women. These will be distributed during your clinical time. View “Electronic Fetal Monitoring”; “Pain Control” and “Physical and Cognitive treatment” & Labor and Delivery located on Kornhauser Library site. Follow the path listed under clinical tab for videos. . Student’s learning will encompass: 1. Identification of normal fetal heart tone range 2. Types of FHR decelerations 3. How to monitor FHT’s 4. Listing basic forms of non-pharmacologic methods of pain relief 5. Identifying appropriate application for non-pharmacologic pain relief measures 6. Demonstration of Leopold’s maneuvers 7. Relevance of cervical exams 8. Demonstration of cervical exams This is not a graded clinical activity; however, your full attention and partic ...
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