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MECH 1 UC Moment of A Force Presentation

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Mechanical Engineering
University of the Cordilleras
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COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS MECH 1 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES MODULE 2: RESULTANTS OF FORCE SYSTEMS UNIT 2: MOMENT OF A FORCE Prepared by: Brian Jhay Guzman, CE, RMP, ME-1 UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES In this unit, here are the following desired learning outcomes: ✘ Define the moment of a force. ✘ Establish sign conventions for moments ✘ Solve for moment using Varignon’s Theorem. 2 MOMENT OF A FORCE The moment of a force about (with respect to) a point is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance from the point to the action line of the force. Thus, the moment of the force F (Fig. 10) about the point O is Fd. The point about which the moment is taken is called the moment-center (or origin) and the distance d is called the moment-arm. A unit moment is the product of a unit force and a unit distance such as N-m, lb-ft, etc. The moment of a force with respect to a point may also be regarded as the moment of the force with respect to the line which passes through the point and is perpendicular to the plane determined by the point and the action line of the force. Thus, in Fig. 10, Fd also represents the moment of F about the axis YY. 3 MOMENT OF A FORCE The physical significance of the moment of a force as defined above is built up intuitively from our experiences in which we have exerted moments on other bodies. It expresses a measure of the tendency of the force to turn the body , on which it act ...
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Really useful study material!
