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MECH 1 UC Resultant of Parallel Forces Presentation

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Mechanical Engineering
University of the Cordilleras
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COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS MECH 1 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES MODULE 2: RESULTANTS OF FORCE SYSTEMS UNIT 3: RESULTANT OF PARALLEL FORCES Prepared by: Brian Jhay Guzman, CE, RMP, ME-1 UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES In this unit, here are the following desired learning outcomes: ✘ Define the resultant of parallel forces. ✘ Solve the resultant of parallel forces with distributed loads. 2 RESULTANT OF A PARALLEL FORCE SYSTEM 3 PARALLEL FORCE SYSTEMS A parallel force system is one in which the action lines of all the forces are parallel. The resultant of such a system is determined when it is known in magnitude, direction and position. One of the outstanding difference between a concurrent and a parallel force system is that in the former the position of the resultant is known by inspection whereas in the latter is not. To determine the position 𝑅, we select some convenient point 𝑂 as a moment center and employ the principle that the moment of a resultant equals the moment sum of its parts. Denoting the moment sum of the force system by Σ𝑀 and the moment arm of 𝑅 by 𝑑 , we then have 𝑅𝑑 = Σ𝑀 . The relative position 𝑅 with respect to 𝑂 is determined from the fact that the resultant must produce the same moment effect as the original system. 4 RESULTANT OF A PARALLEL FORCE SYSTEMS or 5 EXAMPLE 1. 𝑅 = Σ𝐹 or 𝑅 = Σ𝐹 Determine the resultant of the parallel force system acting on the bar A ...
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