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T277 Marketing And Communication Plan

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Health & Medical
Kennedy King College UIC College of Dentistry
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Marketing and Communication Plan
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Marketing method
A marketing communication plan is a form of strategy for informing the population about
something that they need to know. In this case, the communication will be directed to the
community on obesity and what they need to do avoid it, or deal with the condition in case they
are suffering from it. In this communication plan, I will utilize television and magazines to reach
the target population. The reason for choosing these modes of communication is because I
believe that they will reach on a wide audience, across all ages and gender. As a result, the
message will have reached people as per the target. The target population will mostly be adults
who are 18 years and above in the community (Bellman, Robinson, Wooley & Varan, 2017).
Initial draft communication plan
The first step in my plan will be to conduct a situation analysis. This will involve the
evaluation of the conditions in the community in regard to obesity and overweight. This will
provide me with knowledge on the real situation, causes and challenges. This is the point I will
understand the reason why there are rising cases of obesity such as eating of junk foods among
others. After carrying out the analysis, the second step will be carefully defining the target
population. In this case, my target population will be mostly adults who are above eighteen
years. The third step will be writing the SMART goals. This is what I expect to achieve and how
to achieve it. It will be followed by analyzing the tactics I intend to use, especially using
television and magazines, and determine whether they will be effective in timely achievement of
the goals. The final step will be setting up a budget (Becca, 2020)
Draft Plan for materials to be used
After writing down the communication plan, then I will develop another plan for the
materials that are needed in the program. First, I will look at the innovation that will come up

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Running head: MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION PLAN Marketing and Communication Plan Institution Affiliation Date 1 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION PLAN 2 Marketing method A marketing communication plan is a form of strategy for informing the population about something that they need to know. In this case, the communication will be directed to the community on obesity and what they need to do avoid it, or deal with the condition in case they are suffering from it. In this communication plan, I will utilize television and magazines to reach the target population. The reason for choosing these modes of communication is because I believe that they will reach on a wide audience, across all ages and gender. As a result, the message will have reached people as per the target. The target population will mostly be adults who are 18 years and above in the community (Bellman, Robinson, Wooley & Varan, 2017). Initial draft communication plan The first step in my plan will be to conduct a situation analysis. This will involve the evaluation of the conditions in the community in regard to obesity and overweight. This will provide me with knowledge on the real situation, causes and challenges. This is the point I will understand the reason why there are rising cases of obesity such as eating of junk foods among others. After carrying out the analysis, the second step will be carefully defining the target population. In this case, my target population will be mostly adults who are above eighte ...
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