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Running head: SOCIALIZATION 1

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Anticipatory socialization occurs before starting the job by learning the practices and
values of the job either through observation or professional training on dancing or a related field,
previous participation in an almost similar job, or was trained on the job before the performance
to an audience. However, on-the-job socialization occurs once an individual is integrated into the
occupation and already performing the duties involved, so they learn new things as they continue
working by observing and interacting with fellow employees and clientele (Lewis, 1998).
Therefore, the main difference is anticipatory learning of the values and norms occurs before the
job through a form of rehearsal while the later occurs after starting the actual job.
The participation in the career and involvement with different individuals made them
view it as a viable job opportunity rather than a deviant one. They also try to deny the presence
of injury or harm by justifying the presence of no harm to the clientele as they are adults with
free will. Similarly, they try to condemn those who judge their profession by justifying the
presence of wrongdoing in them. Moreover, they appeal to the higher loyalties by weighing the
sin of dancing to the sins that would come about from not dancing.
The career dancers are those that join dancing to make it a career due to low skills and
lack of other job options with good pay. The goal-oriented dancers are those that plan to dance
short-term to make money and do something else or its convenience with schooling (Lewis,
1998). However, they suffer more when it comes to leaving the job due to the kind of money
earned and the stigma of hiding their deviant occupation form their private lives. The
socialization within the field makes most of the women lose interest in heterosexual relationships
as they feel it is hard to manage and prefer same-sex relationships.

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Running head: SOCIALIZATION 1 Socialization Name Institution SOCIALIZATION 2 Socialization Anticipatory socialization occurs before starting the job by learning the practices and values of the job either through observation or professional training on dancing or a related field, previous participation in an almost similar job, or was trained on the job before the performance to an audience. However, on-the-job socialization occurs once an individual is integrated into the occupation and already performing the duties involved, so they learn new things as they continue working by observing and interacting with fellow employees and clientele (Lewis, 1998). Therefore, the main difference is anticipatory learning of the values and norms occurs before the job through a form of rehearsal while the later occurs after starting the actual job. The participation in the career and involvement ...
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