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Risks Affecting Highway Infrastructure Paper

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Risks Affecting Design, Construction, and Management in Highway Infrastructure
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Risks Affecting Design, Construction, and Management in Highway Infrastructure
Construction in the transportation sector is associated with a variety of risks at all project
levels. Risks involve financial, contractual as well as safety matters that can be expected at the
design, construction, and maintenance phases. Before executing any project, such risks need to
be identified, assessed, and necessary mitigation was done as soon as possible to avoid risk
occurs during the highway construction. This research focuses on identification, analysis as well
as mitigation of typical risks during the highway construction. This will be achieved by focusing
on the demolition and reconstruction of the 558 bridges of the Pennsylvania-Rapid-Bridge-
Replacement (RPR) project. The project was a public-private-partnership between PWKP
(Plenary Walsh Keystone Partners) as well as PennDOT.
Risk can be expected at any phase of the construction. This includes the design phase,
construction, and finally, maintenance. This paper focuses on the risks associated with the three
construction phases and also analyze how PRBRP dealt with such risks. In history, the RBR has
been the largest multi-asset highway project in Pennsylvania and the United States. This multi-
asset project is undertaken through a bundling approach. The PPP is a contractual agreement
between the government and a private agency for public service delivery, financing, designing,
construction, operation as well as maintenance of a given project for public service. The PPP
ensures the private agency invests a successful functionality for the assigned project. The RBR
utilizes the Design-Build-Finance-Operate-and-Maintain (DBFOM) system. This means the
PWKP, a private contractor, have the responsibility to design, build, finance, operate, and
maintain the bridges in corroboration with the PennDOT.

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Running head: RISKS AFFECTING HIGHWAY INFRASTRUCTURE Risks Affecting Design, Construction, and Management in Highway Infrastructure Student’s name Institution Date 1 Risks Affecting Design, Construction, and Management in Highway Infrastructure Abstract Construction in the transportation sector is associated with a variety of risks at all project levels. Risks involve financial, contractual as well as safety matters that can be expected at the design, construction, and maintenance phases. Before executing any project, such risks need to be identified, assessed, and necessary mitigation was done as soon as possible to avoid risk occurs during the highway construction. This research focuses on identification, analysis as well as mitigation of typical risks during the highway construction. This will be achieved by focusing on the demolition and reconstruction of the 558 bridges of the Pennsylvania-Rapid-BridgeReplacement (RPR) project. The project was a public-private-partnership between PWKP (Plenary Walsh Keystone Partners) as well as PennDOT. Introduction Risk can be expected at any phase of the construction. This includes the design phase, construction, and finally, maintenance. This paper focuses on the risks associated with the three construction phases and also analyze how PRBRP dealt with such risks. In history, the RBR has been the largest multi-asset highway project in Pennsylvania and the United States. This multiasset project is undertaken through a bundling ap ...
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