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Islamic Art Research Paper

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Running Head: ISLAMIC ART 1
Islamic Art

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Basically, artistic production involves the creation of things of art that are beautiful and
appealing. Apparently, these arts are highly regarded in some religions such as the Jewish,
Islamic, and to some extent Christianity. Some of these arts were invented a long time ago and
are still significant today. It is paramount that these arts were significant and are still significant
and captures the values of the faith of the followers of that religion. One of the artistic production
that is still relevant today is Islamic art. It consists of different visual arts with both religious art
and the secular arts. Apparently, religious art is represented by the calligraphy, which makes it
easy for one to differentiate them with the secular arts. It is evident that even today, all Muslim
buildings, such as the Mosque are unique and different from other buildings belonging to other
religions. In the Islamic world, the secular arts were also paramount though they were highly
criticized by the religious intellectuals. Islamic artistic production captures the values and the
faith of Islam. To this extent, therefore, this paper seeks to discuss the artistic production in
Islam and how this captures the values of the faith (Dehkordi, 2017).
Definition of Islamic art
Islamic art relates to all the works of art that were produced in areas dominated by the
Islamic religion, where Islam ruled. Ideally, the art was invented by the historians back in the
century to allow categorization and study of all the materials produced by the Islamic people
who came from Arabia. It is paramount that the early growth of Islamic art was merely
predisposed by early Christian art, Roman art, and Sassanian art. Also, Islamic art was also
influenced by Chinese art, especially in the painting, the use of textiles, and pottery.

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Running Head: ISLAMIC ART 1 Islamic Art Name: Institution: ISLAMIC ART 2 Introduction Basically, artistic production involves the creation of things of art that are beautiful and appealing. Apparently, these arts are highly regarded in some religions such as the Jewish, Islamic, and to some extent Christianity. Some of these arts were invented a long time ago and are still significant today. It is paramount that these arts were significant and are still significant and captures the values of the faith of the followers of that religion. One of the artistic production that is still relevant today is Islamic art. It consists of different visual arts with both religious art and the secular arts. Apparently, religious art is represented by the calligraphy, which makes it easy for one to differentiate them with the secular arts. It is evident that even today, all Muslim buildings, such as the Mosque are unique and different from other buildings belonging to other religions. In the Islamic world, the secular arts were also paramount though they were highly criticized by the religious intellectuals. Islamic artistic production captures the values and the faith of Islam. To this extent, therefore, this paper seeks to discuss the artistic production in Islam and how this captures the values of the faith (Dehkordi, 2017). Definition of Islamic art Islamic art relates to all the works of art that were produced in areas dominated by the Islamic religion, where Islam ruled. Ideally, ...
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