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MGMT 230 FedEx Human Resource Management Paper

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Rachael Galarza
MGMT 230
Assignment 2

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In conducting research on FedEx and their human resource management policies it
proved they are a great company to work for. They care about their employees and want
everyone to succeed, especially within their company. It’s management focuses on providing a
suitable work environment that encourages employees to come up with innovative
solutions.(, 2008)
Strategic Planning for talented employees
FedEx found a recruitment approach that worked for them. They hired within the same
countries that they operated in. They looked for people who were willing to take risks, who were
entrepreneurial by nature and were willing to take up challenges.(Prashanth,2003). Focusing on
the key attributes that they want helps find the talent they are looking for. You can apply for
internships or salaried positions online.
Staffing and Recruitment Policies
FedEx started using an automated HR system called PRISM. This stood for Personnel
Records Information System. This system kept the records of all employees. It was the
employees complete history online for FedEx to access at any time. PRISM’s employee data
keeps records on things such as recruitment and selection, training and performance on each
individual. FedEx also periodically reviewed its HR policies to ensure that they were in tune
with the prevailing trends in history.(Prashanth, 2003)
Training of Employees
FedEx believes that a properly trained employee is a talented employee that will stick
around. They pride themselves in the orientation and trainings given to anyone ranging from
new employees to upper management. After orientation, FedEx provides training programs

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Running head: [SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] FedEx Rachael Galarza MGMT 230 Assignment 2 1 [SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] 2 FedEx In conducting research on FedEx and their human resource management policies it proved they are a great company to work for. They care about their employees and want everyone to succeed, especially within their company. It’s management focuses on providing a suitable work environment that encourages employees to come up with innovative solutions.(, 2008) Strategic Planning for talented employees FedEx found a recruitment approach that worked for them. They hired within the same countries that they operated in. They looked for people who were willing to take risks, who were entrepreneurial by nature and were willing to take up challenges.(Prashanth,2003). Focusing on the key attributes that they want helps find the talent they are looking for. You can apply for internships or salaried positions online. Staffing and Recruitment Policies FedEx started using an automated HR system called PRISM. This stood for Personnel Records Information System. This system kept the records of all employees. It was the employees complete history online for FedEx to access at any time. PRISM’s employee data keeps records on things such as recruitment and selection, training and performance on each individual. FedEx also periodically reviewed its HR policies to ensure that they were in tune with the prevailing trends in history.(P ...
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