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HIST 121 The Causes of The Civil War Paper

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The Civil War
Rachael Galarza
HIST121: American History to 1877
June 14, 2020

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American history is plagued with conflict and political struggles. Since our nation was
created, differences of opinion through both governmental and civilian parties have created
mass conflict and separated the citizens of this great nation. No domestic conflict has divided
the people or shaped America’s future more than that of the American Civil War. In this paper,
I will discuss several causes for the war, highlighting the key elements of conflict within the
opposing parties. Additionally, I will discuss major underlining U.S. Government dilemmas,
battles that shaped the war’s ultimate outcome, and the lasting impact on legislation created
by the war.
The Civil War officially commenced April 12 1861 and lasted until April 9 1865. During
this period, Abraham Lincoln, the 16
President of the United States of America, was in office.
Lincoln would go down in history as a major influencer of the Civil War, but this would not be
without controversy for our great American president. Although the Republican party
representative maintained a political and moral stance, that aligned with the Northern
prospective, he was burdened with the political reasonability, as the Commander and Chief, to
attempt a civil resolve. In regards to slavery, Lincoln despised the act, but also sympathized
with the financial burden, which would be assumed by the slaveholders, if they simply
relinquished their slaves. In attempts to relive the financial burden on the slaveholder, Lincoln
established federal compensation programs, in attempts to persuade slaveholders to peacefully
abolish the salve trade. Although he did not join the Northern Abolitionists, who demanded
the immediate outlaw of slavery, he approached the situation with financial relief acts and
selective emancipation reforms. Unfortunately, his attempts were not enough to sway the
South to change their position. The South ultimately separated from the United Sates of

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The Civil War Rachael Galarza HIST121: American History to 1877 June 14, 2020 2 American history is plagued with conflict and political struggles. Since our nation was created, differences of opinion through both governmental and civilian parties have created mass conflict and separated the citizens of this great nation. No domestic conflict has divided the people or shaped America’s future more than that of the American Civil War. In this paper, I will discuss several causes for the war, highlighting the key elements of conflict within the opposing parties. Additionally, I will discuss major underlining U.S. Government dilemmas, battles that shaped the war’s ultimate outcome, and the lasting impact on legislation created by the war. The Civil War officially commenced April 12 1861 and lasted until April 9 1865. During this period, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, was in office. Lincoln would go down in history as a major influencer of the Civil War, but this would not be without controversy for our great American president. Although the Republican party representative maintained a political and moral stance, that aligned with the Northern prospective, he was burdened with the political reasonability, as the Commander and Chief, to attempt a civil resolve. In regards to slavery, Lincoln despised the act, but also sympathized with the financial burden, which would be assumed by the slaveholders, if they simply relinquished their slav ...
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