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Self Management and Leadership Quiz

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Quiz 1 100%
1. Followers who are completely detached and passively support the status quo by not
taking action to bring about changes are called ____.
a. Isolates
b. Participants
c. Activists
d. Diehards
2. As observed by Robert E. Kelley, ____ is an essential quality of effective followers.
a. Transparency
b. Skill utilization
c. Commitment
d. Charisma
3. An aspect of the coach and motivator role of the leader is to
a. Deal with outside groups
b. Display loyalty to superiors
c. Informally recognize team member achievements
d. Bargain with superiors for funds, facilities, and equipment
4. The achievement motive refers to:
a. A desire to surpass productivity quotas
b. Finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake
c. Putting high energy into achieving work goals
d. Sustaining a high level of energy for work
5. The most effective type of humor for an organizational leader to use is directed at:
a. The competition
b. Group members
c. Other departments
d. Himself or herself
6. Emotional intelligence tends to:
a. Peak at an early career stage
b. Be closely associated with technical skill
c. Improve with experience
d. Decrease substantially during middle age
7. Which one of the following is the least essential characteristic of an effective follower?
a. Reliance on being managed or led by another person
b. Commitment to something beyond oneself
c. Building competence
d. Independent and critical thinking
8. Leadership can be practiced
a. Only in the executive suite
b. At any level in the organization
c. Only by people whose job title includes “manager”
d. Only when employees are performing below standard
9. A key part of a leader having humility is to:
a. Insult the group performance, including that of your own
b. Put group members in the limelight, rather than oneself

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Quiz 1 – 100% 1. Followers who are completely detached and passively support the status quo by not taking action to bring about changes are called ____. a. Isolates b. Participants c. Activists d. Diehards 2. As observed by Robert E. Kelley, ____ is an essential quality of effective followers. a. Transparency b. Skill utilization c. Commitment d. Charisma 3. An aspect of the coach and motivator role of the leader is to a. Deal with outside groups b. Display loyalty to superiors c. Informally recognize team member achievements d. Bargain with superiors for funds, facilities, and equipment 4. ...
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