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BpaaS Service Discussion

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Business process as a service (BpaaS) is a type of out sourcing the business process which is
delivered based on the cloud services model. Business process as a service is also related to Saas and
Paas. Previously this business process is done either manually or by programmed software. In some
of the situations these business process is outsourced to a third party company, where these data is
completely insecure and delivered based on cloud service
From the past 10 years most of the companies are trying to automate these business processes.
Each and every year there is drastical change in increasing amount of personal data involved in
business processes. All these data is gathered and stored on the cloud. Using this business process
as a service for storing the data in cloud save a lot of money and this data can be reused between
the clients and business companies without any risk. M. P. (Papazoglou. 2007)
Business process service providers (BPSPs) provide a wide range of services to the business
companies which are cost effective by using these services ,companies can reduce the labour cost ,
out sourcing business cost and labour count by reducing the manual and programmatically methods
by increasing the automation. Infact BpaaS is a growing field as per expectation BPaas grow by 21%
by search engines,email service providers and payments systems use BpaaS automation
service which are done in the cloud the data report generated in the cloud has high visibility and
data is highly secured but multiple clients and real time executive can access data in concurrently.(
G. Alonso, F. Casati, H. Kuno, and V.Machiraju. 2004)
In Business process as a service SaaS, PaaS and IaaS acts as foundation layers to BpaaS. Based on
process BpaaS is highly configurable, BpaaS service also provides multiple languages and API’s , so
that it can interact easily. It is highly scalable so that every business company can make use of it
.BpaaS is also deployed in different environment’s since business process needs are changing from
day to day .To provide high scalability and robustness it is implemented in different environments.(
M. P. Papazoglou, P. Traverso, S. Dustdar, and F. Leymann. 2008)
Business process as a service can be extended into operation BPaas, sales BPaas and etc. BpaaS
instantly provides the services with high flexibility and standards. In business process financial and
data analytics plays a key role. These large volumes of data should be secured .it provides layered
security policies which provides greater structural security to data. BpaaS also provides an interface
to user so that as soon as data is entered an automated data report is generated reporting the
capabilities to real time executives . it also provides a deep analytics of large volumes of data as
soon as data is entered in the cloud instead of waiting for an outsourcing company.
M. P. Papazoglou. 2007, Web Service: Principles and Technology. Prentitice-Hall, Englewood
G. Alonso, F. Casati, H. Kuno, and V.Machiraju. 2004, Web Services. Springer-Verlag
M. P. Papazoglou, P. Traverso, S. Dustdar, and F. Leymann. 2008, Service-Oriented Computing:
a Research Roadmap. Int. J. Cooperativ Inf. Syst., 17(2): 223--255

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Business process as a service (BpaaS) is a type of out sourcing the business process which is delivered based on the cloud services model. Business process as a service is also related to Saas and Paas. Previously this business process is done either manually or by programmed software. In some of th ...
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