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Cookies as Spyware Discussion

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Cookies as spyware
Cookies are text files which are generally small in size and are stored in user file directories.
These cookies not a threat to the computer, they are used to store small data such as login and
sign up details of the user. If the user does not want to use cookies the user can disable the
cookies in the web browser. But few companies who develop spyware also included cookies
under the list of spyware detections.
Cookies are generally used to store the text and help the user with the same whenever he tries
to access the same webpage. Cookies are used when the application has more than one page,
these are not used on single page applications. The information in the cookie is very small and
the data is stored in the server.
Spyware is harmful software which has capability to hack the computer such as browsing history,
integrated web camera and also tracks the location of the computer. few spyware developers
use tracking cookies for getting the access to the user information. But the people have privacy
concerns regarding cookie as they store the part of information. In that case user can disable
cookies in their computers.
It is purely the user’s decision whether to store the cookies are to discard them. Excepting the
privacy concern of the user there is no other threat to the computer. Spyware a threatful
software which has a capability to track your computer and also the information such as the
users history, webcam. Usage of cookies helps the spyware to speedup the procedure
whenever the user visits the website and also helps the spyware to get command over the user
data and to send the information the third party access. The major problem is that advertiser
can get the information about the user with the help of a tracking cookie.

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Cookies as spyware Cookies are text files which are generally small in size and are stored in user file directories. These cookies not a threat to the computer, they are used to store small data such as login and sign up details of the user. If the user does not want to use cookies the user can disa ...
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