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Gym Business Plan

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ashford university
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Running Head: BUSINESS PLAN 1
Gym Business Plan: Gym for Women with Child Care
Student’s Name
University Name

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Gym Business Plan: Gym for Women with Child Care
Executive Summary
The paper details the business plan for Boymom gym for women with child care. The
primary mission of the center is to develop a lady-focused workout surrounding that facilitates
trust in our customers. The paper will also detail the company's ownership and summary. The
program will function as a general partnership. The owner (Boymom) of the business will
manage the daily operation of the Boymom gym for women (Capital, 2013). The manager of the
center will have accounting oversight duties. Boymom fitness center is co-owned by Boymom
and the manager (Julian). Also, the SWOT analysis is included in the information provided
below. The paper will also detail the financial plan for the fitness business. Generally, the
financial plan is the success backbone in the facilitate.
The mission of Boymom gym for women with child care is the following:
Develop a lady-focused surrounding that facilitates trust in our target customers.
Facilitate the success of our customers in achieving their training anticipations.
Help the ladies set new training goals and celebrate their success.
The objectives of Boymom gym for women with child care is the following:
Surpass 55% room capacity within the first year of performance.
Attain 150+ memberships within the 1
year of operation.
Grow membership by 25% within the 2
year of operation.
Organization Summary

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Running Head: BUSINESS PLAN 1 Gym Business Plan: Gym for Women with Child Care Student’s Name University Name Course Date BUSINESS PLAN 2 Gym Business Plan: Gym for Women with Child Care Executive Summary The paper details the business plan for Boymom gym for women with child care. The primary mission of the center is to develop a lady-focused workout surrounding that facilitates trust in our customers. The paper will also detail the company's ownership and summary. The program will function as a general partnership. The owner (Boymom) of the business will manage the daily operation of the Boymom gym for women (Capital, 2013). The manager of the center will have accounting oversight duties. Boymom fitness center is co-owned by Boymom and the manager (Julian). Also, the SWOT analysis is included in the information provided below. The paper will also detail the financial plan for the fitness business. Generally, the financial plan is the success backbone in the facilitate. Mission The mission of Boymom gym for women with child care is the following: ✓ Develop a lady-focused surrounding that facilitates trust in our target customers. ✓ Facilitate the success of our customers in achieving their training anticipations. ✓ Help the ladies set new training goals and celebrate their success. Objectives The objectives of Boymom gym for women with child care is the following: ✓ Surpass 55% room capacity within the first year of performance. ✓ Attain 150+ memberships wi ...
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