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Islam Religion

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University of Central Florida
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Islam Religion
Student Name
University Information

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Question 1.
Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca among one of the prominent families. At 25
years old, he married a 40-year-old widow known as Khadijah. In Mecca, most people ignored
Muhammad teaching with some mocking him, but he gained some followers. The ruling tribes of
Mecca perceived Muhammad as a danger with the powerful merchants trying to convince him to
abandon his teaching (2020). Muhammad's followers were actively persecuted, with many
migrating to Abyssinia and Medina. Muhamad followed after the attempted assassination. In
Medina, Muhammad served as a chief arbitrator. He drafted the Medina constitution,
establishing an alliance between Medina eight tribes and the emigrants Muslim from Mecca
(2020). It is in Medina where Muhamad established Ummah, a community of Islam, following
his hijra (migration) from Mecca.
Question 2.
In America, there are an estimated 7 million Muslims, the country's fastest-growing
religion, and the most diverse. The Muslims in America are unified by the deeds and stories of
Prophet Muhammad. They follow the values proposed by Muhammad in their interactions.
Besides, these deeds and stories serve as guiding principles. For example, in the position of
authority, American Muslims follow the example of Muhammad on how to implement the law.
An example of the interviewed American Muslim is Najah Bazzy, a nurse at Dearborn,
Michigan, who asserts that the story of prophet Muhammad makes her relate to issues happening
during Muhammad times (2020). She claims the issues are universal and not old-fashioned but
are still happening in contemporary times.

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Running head: ISLAM RELIGION 1 Islam Religion Student Name University Information ISLAM RELIGION 2 Question 1. Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca among one of the prominent families. At 25 years old, he married a 40-year-old widow known as Khadijah. In Mecca, most people ignored Muhammad teaching with some mocking him, but he gained some followers. The ruling tribes of Mecca perceived Muhammad as a danger with the powerful merchants trying to convince him to abandon his teaching (2020). Muhammad's followers were actively persecuted, with many migrating to Abyssinia and Medina. Muhamad followed after the attempted assassination. In Medina, Muhammad served as a chief arbitrator. He drafted the Medina constitution, establishing an alliance between Medina eight tribes and the emigrants Muslim from Mecca (2020). It is in Medina where Muhamad established Ummah, a community of Islam, foll ...
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