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Apple Inc Managerial Analysis Paper

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Running Head: TERM PROJECT
Managerial Analysis: Apple Company
Kimberly Mejia
Monroe College

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Managerial Analysis: Apple Company
Apple Inc., previously known as Apple Computer, is a successful multinational company
that has been on the market for more than 40 years designing computer hardware such as
Macintosh, software such as macOS , iOS, watchOS and tvOS, and mobile devices such as
iPhone, iWatch, iPad and iPod music players. Since 1976, with around 506 stores across 25
countries around the world, Apple has expanded the number of retail locations and along with its
geographical cover. The innovation and strong product sales have placed Apple among the top-
tier retail stores, with sales of over $16 billion worldwide in 2011 and continuing to grow with
the creation of new, more sophisticated products over the years. Apple's success not only come
from their products it also comes from the company mission and vision.
Mission Statement
Apple Inc’s mission and vision are the foundation of the company's achievement as the
world's largest company. The company was founded on April 1, 1976 in Los Altos, California,
by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne at Jobs childhood house. Today the
headquarters of the company are in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs' mission statement for
Apple in 1980 was to "contribute to the world by making tools for the mind that advance
humanity." Apple's decades-long mission and vision statements are to keep motivating the
company's employees to support and bring change for the company's ambitious benefit. Thus, the
company mission and vision statement evolve over time to address changing organizational and
market conditions leading the company to new changes in the past few years.
Its main customers are people in the middle and upper-class categories as they are able
and willing to pay the premium price for its products. According to Magwizi (2020), over 90%

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Running Head: TERM PROJECT Managerial Analysis: Apple Company Kimberly Mejia Monroe College 7/23/2020 APPLE INC. COMPANY 2 Managerial Analysis: Apple Company Introduction Apple Inc., previously known as Apple Computer, is a successful multinational company that has been on the market for more than 40 years designing computer hardware such as Macintosh, software such as macOS , iOS, watchOS and tvOS, and mobile devices such as iPhone, iWatch, iPad and iPod music players. Since 1976, with around 506 stores across 25 countries around the world, Apple has expanded the number of retail locations and along with its geographical cover. The innovation and strong product sales have placed Apple among the toptier retail stores, with sales of over $16 billion worldwide in 2011 and continuing to grow with the creation of new, more sophisticated products over the years. Apple's success not only come from their products it also comes from the company mission and vision. Mission Statement Apple Inc’s mission and vision are the foundation of the company's achievement as the world's largest company. The company was founded on April 1, 1976 in Los Altos, California, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne at Jobs childhood house. Today the headquarters of the company are in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs' mission statement for Apple in 1980 was to "contribute to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humanity." Apple's decades-long mission and vision statements are ...
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