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Steve Jobs 2005 Commencement Address Analysis

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Kimberly Mejia
Fundamentals of Communication
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
In analyzing his address to Stanford’s’ graduates, Steve Jobs executed techniques as his
objective aimed to both inform and persuade graduates through the organization of his address
and delivery; in this pursuit, he furthermore grabbed his audience’s attention by wholesomely
saluting them as one of the finest universities in the world, by this, persons were hooked to
continue in-listening. Furthering, a brief introduction of historical structure from his life
background aided to inspire his audience to trust in something - anything and in sharing a brief
testament of his life stories, his aim was to persuasively empower those that they too can find
and reach for success. I believe what influenced such a powerful speech was the many failures in
the speaker’s life, but in-spite of failing, he had the understanding that he found what he loved
and loved what he found, which in-turn brought him substantial success.
With those words established, it is not shocking that his address still inspires the people
ten years later, that the core concept echoed was a stern charge for the graduates to believe in
something- anything, never give up and reach for success. The main points incorporated the
speaker sharing three life stories with strong imagery of failure and success. He narratively
illustrated through story-telling on the importance of “connecting the dots,” and that you can
never connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward; secondly,
the speaker highlighted a life story on the basis of “love and loss,” as this made reference to
finding what you love and build on it while facing the process therein and thirdly, the subject of
“death” was evaluated, and this reality brought us to the realization that if you live each day as if
it were your last, then use it to do what you love. His address encouraged an introduction, body

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and conclusion as-with a sturdy organization pattern which was effective with structured patterns
of transitions that aided to link the elements of the main points together and back to the central
idea to reach for success. In being a well-known entrepreneur of multiple power-house
companies, I believe his life stories and his known at-large success, portrayed his credibility as a
speaker. Non-verbal communication is based on the use of voice and body rather than words,
according to the book The Art of Public Speaking. In this address, the use of non-verbal
communication was evident as the speaker’s posture was good in depicting no sign of a wavering
nervousness as-with, his facial expressions depicted conversation - as to connect with the
audience. Vocal variety and energy were portrayed throughout, as the speaker’s changes in rate,
pitch and volume assisted the strategic messages and stories spoken, as it gave a voice of interest
and expressiveness as this sought to enhance the importance of what was being said. There were
little-to-no vocalized pauses in reference to “uh, er, or um”. Based on the delivery method of the
speech, the use of a manuscript and extemporaneous delivery was present, in-which the speaker
read throughout to provide a satisfactory delivery. However, through reason of a manuscript, the
speaker’s eye-contact was not entirely polished as to being constant in the presence of his
addressees. The delivery address showcased appropriateness, however, it has the capability to
enhance a greater effect.
In my opinion, I believe it was an admirable speech. I also believe it had effectiveness as
it achieved its perceived goal in affirming the audience at-hand. A profound thing mentioned was
that, “you cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking
backwards”; this spoke to me because I felt it’s truth, whereas I can relate that it is after going
through life’s experiences that we will understand why we went through what we went through,
and of course we will not understand our going through’s now but that is what makes it

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Kimberly Mejia 4/5/20 20WN-LA122-02 Fundamentals of Communication Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address In analyzing his address to Stanford’s’ graduates, Steve Jobs executed techniques as his objective aimed to both inform and persuade graduates through the organization of his address and delivery; in this pursuit, he furthermore grabbed his audience’s attention by wholesomely saluting them as one of the finest universities in the world, by this, persons were hooked to continue in-listening. Furthering, a brief introduction of historical structure from his life background aided to inspire his audience to trust in something - anything and in sharing a brief testament of his life stories, his aim was to persuasively empower those that they too can find and reach for success. I believe what influenced such a powerful speech was the many failures in the speaker’s life, but ...
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