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Autobiography About Slavery Essay

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The issue of slavery is considered to be among the most sensitive topic to explore. More so, this
is quite evident in the African American populations, who have been greatly affected by slavery.
It is a fact that slavery has been in existence for several decades. Therefore, this is where
innocent individuals from regions such as African continent were transported to the western
countries, such as America and were forced to carry out dangerous tasks, which later affected
their livelihoods negatively, as well as the lives of their families and descendants. Several writers
and researchers have been exploring the issue of slavery by focusing on a different form of
literature to inform readers of the causes and effects of slavery.
Some of the common forms of literature comprised of poems and autobiographies.
Accordingly, the most famous work of art that explores the topic of slavery is “My Guilt”. This
is a poem that was composed by a renowned poet and writer, Manga Angelou. On the other
hand, the other important piece of art that explores the topic of slavery is the narrative “The Life
of Fredrick Douglas,” which is an autobiography where the writer recounts on his life as a slave.
By focusing on these two pieces of art and making a thorough analysis on the same, it is possible
to critically note the tone, the rhetorical stance, as well as the style that has been used in these
two types of literature. This is very crucial in assisting readers to understand the issues that
people, especially the African Americans faced during the era of slavery. Also, the two works of

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literature assist the readers to appreciate the efforts that have so far been made by other
individuals to achieve freedom, which is currently being enjoyed by the present generation.
Maya Angelou “My Guilt”
First, by reviewing My Guilt” by Manga Angelou, is possible for readers to understand
the tone that has been deployed by the author. The poet has applied the tone of a regretful
individual. Also, by focusing on the title of the poem, it is possible to recognize that Manga
Angelou is somehow remorseful even though, she never lived at the time of slavery. Moreover,
the poet can recognize the issue of slavery as being that she is a black woman. Therefore, this
encouraged her to account for the issues that the Africa American community went through
during the era of slavery. Similarly, based on the remorseful tone of the poem, it is easy for
readers to recognize that the tone used in the piece of literature is that of pain. For instance, in
the first stanza, the poet states that “My guilt is associated with slavery chains for too long,”
(Angelou 67. Based on this, it is possible to note that there is some sense of guilt in the poem. As
a result, it is possible to recognize the pain in the author's words, especially when writing the
poem. Besides, it is easy to visualize an individual in pain and shackles. For this reason, provided
that the fact that the author identifies such pain can be considered as an important aspect that
represents the duration that the African Americans suffered in the merciless hands of those who
captured and rendered them to slavery.
In the poem, readers can also recognize that the tone presented is characterized with desperation;
hence is depicted as a sad one. This is evident at the point where the poet states that her guild
made music with the tears. Hence, readers can understand that she developed a feeling of being
merciful for the blacks who were subjected to slavery. Moreover, the extent of the poet's mercy
subjected her to a point where she sobbed. This illustrates that she was deeply emotional. Most

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Autobiography The issue of slavery is considered to be among the most sensitive topic to explore. More so, this is quite evident in the African American populations, who have been greatly affected by slavery. It is a fact that slavery has been in existence for several decades. Therefore, this is where innocent individuals from regions such as African continent were transported to the western countries, such as America and were forced to carry out dangerous tasks, which later affected their livelihoods negatively, as well as the lives of their families and descendants. Several writers and researchers have been exploring the issue of slavery by focusing on a different form of literature to inform readers of the causes and effects of slavery. Some of the common forms of literature comprised of poems and autobiographies. Accordingly, the most famous work of art that explores the topic of slavery is “My Guilt”. This is a poem that was composed by a renowned poet and writer, Manga Angelou. On the other hand, the other important piece of art that explores the topic of slavery is the narrative “The Life of Fredrick Douglas,” which is an autobiography where the writer recounts on his life as a slave. By focusing on these two pieces of art and making a thorough analysis on the same, it is possible to critically note the tone, the rhetorical stance, as well as the style that has been used in these two types of literature ...
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