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Information Technology Management Notes

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Information Technology Management
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Information Technology Management
When managing a process, it is important to take control of the performed activities.
Information technology managers aim at ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of particular
operations. Through their monitoring of employees, results of work done are further highlighted
and looked upon to ensure proper implementation of ideas and good use of resources within an
Challenges related to information technology management
Identifying the right employees
Recruiting employees becomes a problem for most developed firms. This comes where
the respective firms will have to look forward to employees who are in high demand. The
management can find a person who is qualified with the required skills. However, finding an
individual is not all, since the identified person may not be willing to vacate from where he or
she is performing duties (Yazid, 2016). Apart from that, it is not advised to recruit employees
online, some of them may not be able to adapt to an organizations culture easily thus bringing
challenges to the management
The departure of workers with critical information
It will be so hard to make the proprietary information about the organization remain
within. Employees get exposed to documents and legal information that are not supposed to be
disclosed (Yazid, 2016). In most cases, the management must look at a better approach to protect
and seal effectively information that is present in the organization

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Running head: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Information Technology Management Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 2 Information Technology Management When managing a process, it is important to take control of the performed activities. Information technology managers aim at ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of particular operations. Through their monitoring of employees, results of work done are further highlighted and looked upon to ensure proper implementation of ideas and good use of resources within an organization. Challenges related to information technology management Identifying the right employees Recruiting employees becomes a problem for most developed firms. This comes where the respective firms will have to look forward to employees who are in high demand. The management can find a person who is qualified with the required skills. However, finding an individual is not all, since the identified person may not be willing to vacate from where he or she is performing duties (Yazid, 2016). Apart from that, it is not advised to recruit employees online, some of them may not be able to adapt to an organization’s culture easily thus bringing challenges to the management The departure of workers with critical information It will be so hard to make the proprietary information about the organization remain within. Employees get exposed to documents and legal information that are not supposed to be disclosed (Yaz ...
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