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The Most Terrifying Experience in My Life Essay

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The Most Terrifying Experience in My Life
Student’s Name
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The Most Terrifying Experience in My Life
My first experience of conducting a presentation at a conference may have been very
terrifying, although I cannot recommend it highly enough. During the presentation, I sat on the
third row from the back. I could feel my heart beating faster and my palms sweating. Also, my
throat became very dry as my stomach growled for more drinks and biscuits.
The symptoms that experienced were classic and I had only come across such in psychology
texts. However, I became somehow estranged from my personal experience, over the last five
years or so.
Certainly, my body was preparing me for something. I thought that I would have just sat
back and led my hormones to play their role. However, this was not the case since deep in my
mind; I believed that I was resisting a very natural occurrence, which was not a good look for
anyone. I could suggest that I somehow looked like I was among the delegates not interested in
the conference. Although I was looking as if I was listening to the presenter, my attention was
focused on fighting the powerful urge to leave the conference room. Besides, I developed an
inner conflict with myself regarding whether to leave the room due to the anxiety, which mainly
provoked the situation. However, I decided that leaving the room was not the best option.
The next speaker was a student who was presenting a topic on “Student Wellbeing in
Higher Education.” That was the point that I realized that I was next on the queue. I thought of
standing up and walking towards the opposite direction towards the fire exit. Frankly speaking, I
felt trapped since there was a little escape once a delegate is called to deliver a presentation in a
room that is full of students. Fortunately, however, I never took long before I started to fight
nervousness and made a wry smile, which miraculously finds its way on my face as I walked in
front of the audience. Early this year, I made a very bold move to submit my abstract for an

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Running head: THE MOST TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE The Most Terrifying Experience in My Life Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THE MOST TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE 2 The Most Terrifying Experience in My Life My first experience of conducting a presentation at a conference may have been very terrifying, although I cannot recommend it highly enough. During the presentation, I sat on the third row from the back. I could feel my heart beating faster and my palms sweating. Also, my throat became very dry as my stomach growled for more drinks and biscuits. The symptoms that experienced were classic and I had only come across such in psychology texts. However, I became somehow estranged from my personal experience, over the last five years or so. Certainly, my body was preparing me for something. I thought that I would have just sat back and led my hormones to play their role. However, this was not the case since deep in my mind; I believed that I was resisting a very natural occurrence, which was not a good look for anyone. I could suggest that I somehow looked like I was among the delegates not interested in the conference. Although I was looking as if I was listening to the presenter, my attention was focused on fighting the powerful urge to leave the conference room. Besides, I developed an inner conflict with myself regarding whether to leave the room due to the anxiety, which mainly provoked the situation. However, I decided that leaving the room was ...
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