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Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Essay

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Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role
My role as an advanced practice nurse is very valuable to patients and the entire community I
serve. As such, I believe that as an advanced practice nurse, my role provides an opportunity for
patients to be in a position to receive quality and timely care and also to negate the necessary
delays, especially when providing treatments to patients. As an advanced practice nurse, I do
establish long term relationships with patients and their families and engage in partnerships to
achieve quality and optimum health. I believe that I am autonomous, especially when making
decisions based on patient assessment, as well as diagnosis and interpretation of the
results of the test.
I can make independent and prescribe medication to patients and if the need arises, I can
refer patients to other health care providers or specialists. Besides, I am an advocate of the
advanced practice nurse role since I have worked and led in the development of the role within
the community, primary, as well as urgent and emergency care for several decades. I have been
very instrumental, especially in shaping the workforce, in areas such as teaching and mentoring
other nurses, well as allied health care practitioners, such as physiotherapists as well as
The concept of advanced practice in nursing has often been misunderstood with time. The
reason is associated with the dependent on what is understood to be a normal scope in the
practice of a nurse, particularly during the point of registration. The standard scope of practice as
a registered nurse has developed over the years, particularly in response to the changing health,
as well as social healthcare needs. This has resulted in a growing acknowledgement that an
advanced practice nurse is about to make some fundamental stape to change.

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Running head: ADVANCED NURSE PRACTITIONER ROLE Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 ADVANCED NURSE PRACTITIONER ROLE 2 Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role My role as an advanced practice nurse is very valuable to patients and the entire community I serve. As such, I believe that as an advanced practice nurse, my role provides an opportunity for patients to be in a position to receive quality and timely care and also to negate the necessary delays, especially when providing treatments to patients. As an advanced practice nurse, I do establish long term relationships with patients and their families and engage in partnerships to achieve quality and optimum health. I believe that I am autonomous, especially when making decisions based on patient assessment, as well as diagnosis and interpretation of the results of the test. I can make independent and prescribe medication to patients and if the need arises, I can refer patients to other health care providers or specialists. Besides, I am an advocate of the advanced practice nurse role since I have worked and led in the development of the role within the community, primary, as well as urgent a ...
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