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Physical Activity Goals of Healthy People Discussion

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Running head: DISCUSSION BOARD 1
Discussion Board
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Reply 1
The physical activity goals of Healthy People 2020 are evidence-based. The goals are
grounded in science indicating that exercise is beneficial to physical as well as mental health.
However, about 80% of adults in the U.S lack adequate aerobic or muscle-strengthening exercise
opportunities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2018). Thus, as a public
health initiative, Healthy People 2020 addresses the structural, sociological, as well as political
factors, which affect physical activity. It is important that the government acknowledges the
environmental factors and recognizes that they are equally important just as individual
motivation to exercise; hence such activities should be supported.
Compliance with exercise is not very easy with the older patient population. This
indicates that a majority of Americans do not receive the necessary exercise. I have made an
effort to introduce my clients to wearable technologies. I have introduced them to tools which
can offer regular feedback that can allow for the evolution of a personalized exercise plan. Some
clients are more receptive. Other technologies that I have used comprise of Fitbit which is used
for stress management (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2018). The tool
enables clients to understand that the emotional, and cognitive states, are associated with heart
rate coupled with other physiological responses. I have also made an effort to teach clients on the
ways to breathe and incorporate meditation techniques in their lifestyles.
Stressors are not the same for different patient populations as well as between
individuals. Some people are stressed with financial matters. Most clients express fears related to
financial issues as well as long-term financial security. There are existential stressors, associated
with a lack of purpose or fulfilment in an individual's life, which also result in stress. However,
there are mediation techniques as well as exercise that are recommended to enable the client

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Running head: DISCUSSION BOARD 1 Discussion Board Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation DISCUSSION BOARD 2 Reply 1 The physical activity goals of Healthy People 2020 are evidence-based. The goals are grounded in science indicating that exercise is beneficial to physical as well as mental health. However, about 80% of adults in the U.S lack adequate aerobic or muscle-strengthening exercise opportunities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2018). Thus, as a public health initiative, Healthy People 2020 addresses the structural, sociological, as well as political factors, which affect physical activity. It is important that the government acknowledges the environmental factors and recognizes that they are equally important just as individual motivation to exercise; hence such activities should be supported. Compliance with exercise is not very easy with the older patient population. This indicates that a majority of Americans do not receive the necessary exercise. I have made an effort to introduce my clients to wearable technologies. I have introduced them to tools which can offer regular feedback that can allow for the evolution of a personalized exercise plan. Some clients are more receptive. Other technologies that I have used comprise of Fitbit which is used for stress management (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2018). The tool enables clients to understand that the emotional, and cognitive states, are associated with heart rate ...
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