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CJ 450 Grantham University Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia Case Study

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Ethnic Studies
Grantham University
Case Study
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Running Header: (YOUR NAME) CJ450 CASE STUDY # 1
Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia
Case Study #1
Your Name
CJ450: Understanding Terrorism
Grantham University
May 3, 2020

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It is a fact that with the death of Tito in 1980, the collective leadership which was formed
to succeed him in managing the government failed to effectively deal with the nationalistic
tendencies, which further divided the region. The efforts to overcome the differences towards a
shared good were undermined by the resurgence of the Serbian nationalism coupled with the
declarations of sovereignty by Slovenia and Croatia. The first cause of ethnic cleansing in
Yugoslavia took place when Tito lost external support of the Soviet Union with the expulsion of
Yugoslavia from Cominform (Hobbs, 1993). It was established that the break sent Yugoslavia
from the path of socialism, which was regarded as market socialism or simply Titoism. Thus, the
newfound independence, as well as nonalignment for the country, led Yugoslavia not to survive
after the death of Tito in 1980. As a result, Yugoslavia greatly suffered from economic duress,
especially between the government policies as well as centralization and decentralization.
The second cause of ethnic cleansing was attributed to the lack of effective control of the
country by the government. It was observed that Croatia and Slovenia declared their
independence whereas Bosnia and other regions greatly struggled to achieve freedom (Hobbs,
1993). As a result, the invading power threatened what was left in the country, especially during
the economic turmoil. Thus, after Croatia declared its independence, war broke between the
Serbs and the Croats. In March 1992, a conflict ensued again with a new declaration of
independence by Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The third cause of ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia occurred when conflict continued
among all the parties with very little signs of reconciliation. The country was built unnaturally
with very little regards to the nationalistic, ethnic, as well as linguistic differences. The aftermath
was associated with a perpetual conflict in the country. There were artificial attempts to revive

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Running Header: (YOUR NAME) CJ450 CASE STUDY # 1 Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia Case Study #1 Your Name CJ450: Understanding Terrorism Grantham University May 3, 2020 CJ450 (YOUR NAME) CASE STUDY # 1 2 It is a fact that with the death of Tito in 1980, the collective leadership which was formed to succeed him in managing the government failed to effectively deal with the nationalistic tendencies, which further divided the region. The efforts to overcome the differences towards a shared good were undermined by the resurgence of the Serbian nationalism coupled with the declarations of sovereignty by Slovenia and Croatia. The first cause of ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia took place when Tito lost external support of the Soviet Union with the expulsion of Yugoslavia from Cominform (Hobbs, 1993). It was established that the break sent Yugoslavia from the path of socialism, which was regarded as market socialism or simply Titoism. Thus, the newfound independence, as well as nonalignment for the country, led Yugoslavia not to survive after the death of Tito in 1980. As a result, Yugoslavia greatly suffered from economic duress, especially between the government policies as well as cen ...
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