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Fight for Friday for The Future Essay

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Environmental Science
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Fight for Friday for the Future
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Fight for Friday for the Future
The movement, “Fight for Friday for the Future” is based on school strike for climate.
The strikes over climate change were organized very Friday. Thunberg asserted that school
children are required to attend school, but due to the worsening climate destruction, it has been
observed that the goal of attending classes is rather pointless. Besides, several generations have
failed to adequately respond to the dramatic challenge of climate change, which has been deeply
felt by students.
Children should be allowed to protest unsupervised during school hours to encourage
government participation in climate change (Funke, et al., 2019). The global climate change
strikes should be supported because they reflect a trend in international protests events. The
strikes are meant to transform political engagement by providing stakeholders and other actors,
such as the younger generation to voice their concerns about climate change to a global audience.
The concern about climate change is marked by age, particularly by the younger
generation who are more likely to express their concerns since they believe strongly on the
anthropogenic origins of climate change (Funke et al, 2019). In various parts of the world,
especially in the U.S, the younger generation is concerned and worries more about climate
change compared to adults.
The younger generation is using social media platforms, which allows them to express
their concerns about climate change and the need for action. As such, the wave of the strikes or
climate protest mobilization illustrates a level of global attention to combat climate destruction.
This explains that without moral beliefs, it is not easy to care about climate. Thus, preference

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Running head: FIGHT FOR FRIDAY FOR THE FUTURE Fight for Friday for the Future Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 FIGHT FOR FRIDAY FOR THE FUTURE 2 Fight for Friday for the Future The movement, “Fight for Friday for the Future” is based on school strike for climate. The strikes over climate change were organized very Friday. Thunberg asserted that school children are required to attend school, but due to the worsening climate destruction, it has been observed that the goal of attending classes is rather pointless. Besides, several generations have failed to adequately respond to the dramatic challenge of climate change, which has been deeply felt by students. Children should be allowed to protest unsupervised during school hours to encourage government participation in climate change (Funke, et al., 2019). The global climate change strikes should be supported because they reflect a trend in international protests events. The strikes are meant to transform political engagement by providing stakeholders and other actors, such as the younger generation to voice their concerns about climate change to a global audience. The concern about climate change is marked by a ...
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