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How Ai Is Changing the Customer Experience Discussion

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How AI is Changing the Customer Experience
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How AI is Changing the Customer Experience
Artificial Intelligence is shifting customer experience by playing a fundamental role in
how business function. AI systems and applications help turn everything from collecting and
storing data in the communications sector to on-boarding in the human resources department.
Although AI and automation bring tremendous importance internally in terms of time and cost
reductions, there is another environment where AI offers much that, more significant returns:
consumer experience. A new survey conducted by MIT Technology Review Insights on 1004
business leaders in the Global AI agenda demonstrates that sales and marketing will be at the
centre of AI growth over the next three years according to the article ( MIT Technology Review
Insights; Genesys, 2020). Also, the article review reveals that the survey found that customer
service is the most active department for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence today.
In “How AI is changing the customer experience”( MIT Technology Review Insights;
Genesys, 2020), the article analyzes some statistical data gathered in the survey to bring out the
customer experiences associated with AI and gives future projections of the same. The article
reveals that Over the past few years, companies have invested mainly in AI customer service to
improve performance, by rising times for call handling and complaint resolution. Organizations
known as customer service leaders have also been looking at AI to improve intimacy — to offer
a deeper level of customer awareness, accelerate innovation, and create customized journeys.
Newman (2019) agrees with the idea of the article, saying that part of the personalization
includes "predictive participation" of selling and marketing processes — which is knowing when
and how to communicate with the consumer. That varies depending on who the customer is,
what phase of the purchase cycle they are at, what they will be buying, and their communication
priorities. It also needs intelligence to understand where the customer gets stuck and assist them
in such sections.
The article shows that AI helps build connectivity across data sets. Genesys, a company
that sponsored the creation of this content says that with vast transaction data sets available, they
are exploring how they could utilize the data sets to improve the customer experiences in future.
It will encourage companies to bring together different pieces of a consumer journey and create
more interconnected experiences. From this view, this article touches on the MIS current trends
that are necessary for business operations. AI qualifies as MIS since Companies focus their
decisions on information obtained from management information systems as they represent
details coming from their company's activities, which is deemed possible using AI.
The article describes that AI is a future for data sharing. It reveals that sharing data has
the power to create additional opportunities for a variety of industries. The definition of "open
data" is well established within the public sector. Publicly accessible data sets on housing,
employment and the environment, defence, and safety, among many others, enable developers to
build innovative resources and services to solve community problems. It adds that private
business uses this MIS technology to increase supply chain visibility, reducing fraud in banks.
Newman (2019) adds to this idea confirming that companies that share data will have supply
chain efficiencies, innovated products and improved customer experiences; which is what the
survey proved.
In conclusion, it is proved beyond doubt that business must learn the importance of AI to
improve their customer experiences. Also, they must uphold the idea of data sharing, if they want
to improve their business operations in future. This is because this MIS technology helps in
accessing a wide range of services, customer data including their reasoning and ways of making

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Running head: HOW AI IS CHANGING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE How AI is Changing the Customer Experience Student name Student number TA’s Name Tutorial Section Number 1 HOW AI IS CHANGING THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 2 How AI is Changing the Customer Experience Artificial Intelligence is shifting customer experience by playing a fundamental role in how business function. AI systems and applications help turn everything from collecting and storing data in the communications sector to on-boarding in the human resources department. Although AI and automation bring tremendous importance internally in terms of time and cost reductions, there is another environment where AI offers much that, more significant returns: consumer experience. A new survey conducted by MIT Technology Review Insights on 1004 business leaders in the Global AI agenda demonstrates that sales and marketing will be at the centre of AI growth over the next three years according to the article ( MIT Technology Review Insights; Genesys, 2020). Also, the article review reveals that the survey found that customer service is the most active department for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence today. In “How AI is chan ...
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