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Killing the Death Penalty Essay

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Killing the Death Penalty
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Killing the Death Penalty
Dear Dr Bushman
After reading your article titled “It’s Time to Kill the Death Penalty,” I believe that the
program should be abolished in all states. I strongly believe that all humans including criminals
have the right t life. Besides, the death penalty as a program to punish criminals is not very
favourable to law-abiding citizens. Furthermore, the death penalty is a violation of the 14
Amendment, which clarifies that any state should not deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property. However, the composition of the death penalty is that it deprives criminals, life, liberty,
and property and is also very expensive of states and the law-abiding citizens, who also pay
The death penalty is not moral since it goes against natural human rights. An individual
who has committed something that s extremely wrong should be sentenced to life prison
(Bushman, 2014). Besides, the cost of placing a criminal on death sentence surpasses the cost
associated with placing the criminal in a life sentence. As such, I support your views that the
death sentence should be abolished since it results in very costly appeals since the money is paid
by taxpayers; hence everybody bears the cost associated with the death penalty.
I agree with your views that the death penalty only works to model the very behavior that
it seeks to prevent. Meaning that the implementation of the death penalty demonstrates that is
acceptable to kill provides that the state is making everything possible to justify killing. Besides,
due to the errors made by jurors, it is more likely that a wrong person might be killed (Malkani,
2016). However, since the sentence will have been passed once, it is not reversible, so it can be
very critical that it may not be used on the actual criminal. The exact number of innocent people
who have been executed erroneously is not easy to know.

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Running head: KILLING THE DEATH PENALTY Killing the Death Penalty Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 KILLING THE DEATH PENALTY 2 Killing the Death Penalty Dear Dr Bushman After reading your article titled “It’s Time to Kill the Death Penalty,” I believe that the program should be abolished in all states. I strongly believe that all humans including criminals have the right t life. Besides, the death penalty as a program to punish criminals is not very favourable to law-abiding citizens. Furthermore, the death penalty is a violation of the 14th Amendment, which clarifies that any state should not deprive any person of life, liberty, or property. However, the composition of the death penalty is that it deprives criminals, life, liberty, and property and is also very expensive of states and the law-abiding citizens, who also pay taxes. The death penalty is not moral since it goes against natural human rights. An individual who has committed something that s extremely wrong should be sentenced to life prison (Bushman, 2014). Besides, the cost of placing a criminal on death sentence surpasses the cost associated with placing the criminal in a life sentence. As such ...
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