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Hereditary Condition Where a Patients Brain Nerve Cells Weaken Essay

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Running head: UNIT VI JOURNAL 1
Unit VI Journal
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Unit VI Journal
Huntington’s disease (HD) refers to a hereditary condition where a patient’s brain nerve
cells weaken gradually. Therefore, the condition mainly affected an individual's physical
movements, cognitive abilities, as well as emotions. There is no known cure of the condition
although there are ways that individuals can use to cope with the symptoms of the disease
(Frank, 2014). The disease is caused by a defect in a single gene; hence it is regarded as an
autosomal disorder.
If one of my parents has HD, I would prefer to be tested. The main reason is attributed to
the fact that the disease is caused by a change or mutation in a gene. Therefore, there is a
likelihood that I could have a 50% chance of getting changed gene and the disease. Besides,
there is no way to understand when an individual may develop the condition (Frank, 2014). For
instance, some individuals may pass on the mutated or changed genes before knowing that they
have the condition. It is important to have a blood test, which can indicate whether have the
disease. The other important way to deal with the situation is to have genetic counselling when
thinking of having a test.

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Running head: UNIT VI JOURNAL 1 Unit VI Journal Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation UNIT VI JOURNAL 2 Unit VI Journal Huntington’s disease (HD) refers to a hereditary condition where a patient’s brain nerve cells weaken gradually. Therefore, the condition mainly affected an individual's physical movements, cognitive abilities, as well as emotions. There is no known cure of the condition although there are ways that individuals can use to cope with the symptoms of the disease (Frank, 2014). The disease is caused by a defect in a single gene; hence it is regarded as an autosomal disorder. If one of my parents has HD, I would prefer to be tested. The main reason is attributed to the fact that the disease is caused by a change or mutation in a gene. Therefore, there is a likelihood that I could have a 50% chance of getting changed gene and the disease. Besides, there is no way to understand when an individual may develop the condition (Frank, 2014). For instance, some individuals may pass on the mutated or changed genes before knowing that they have the condition. It is important to have a blood test, which can indicate whether have the disease. The other important way ...
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