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How to Perform a Diabetics Foot Exam Paper

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How to perform a diabetics foot exam?
When you're dealing with diabetes, there is a lot of things you need to try and do to take care
of yourself. However, one thing could be the single most powerful way to help protect your
feet from injuries that turn into ulcers at home: a self-examination of diabetic foot. This easy
home care helps you to identify issues early enough that you can get urgent treatment, instead
of finding it late and causing infections and complications. You can also place an order for a
foot massager for diabetics and get yourself massaged to keep a check on blood circulations.
Ways To Perform The 3-Minute Foot Exam:
Diabetes is a common disease these days. One needs to be careful once he is detected with a
silent enemy, as it can cause huge damage to the body over a period. The most notable thing
is an injury on foot to a diabetic, which can lead to ulceration and, finally, amputation of the
foot also. To prevent such a situation, one needs to keep on checking the foot condition
Diabetic wounds rapidly heal. Because of a compromised immune system and peripheral
neuropathy problems, it's very normal for you to get a blister or tiny cut without knowing,
and for the walking and active pressure to worsen. It can degenerate into a wound in a
relatively short period, which can cause severe infections.
Although there are ways, you can avoid the development of these tiny injuries, with the help
of the best foot massager for diabetics, one of the most important things you can do is
check your feet for injury daily. So you can catch something that does pop up quickly and
take care of the problem before it gets time to get worse.
Knowing how to conduct a simple, regular self-examination of the diabetic foot is important.
Here are some tips for helping yourself or supporting a family member who may need help:
Look at the whole foot-look closely at and check both feet' tops, soles, and sides. If
you can't clearly see your soles, use a mirror or ask for help. Check for cuts, bruises,
blisters, discoloration, accumulation of calluses, or something else that is wrong.
Check between the toes Examine the minor cuts and skin changes between each of
the toes as well.
Feel for changes Rub your hands over your feet to detect changes like lumps,
bumps, and cold spots that you may not see easily.

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How to perform a diabetics foot exam? When you're dealing with diabetes, there is a lot of things you need to try and do to take care of yourself. However, one thing could be the single most powerful way to help protect your feet from injuries that turn into ulcers at home: a self-examination of diabetic foot. This easy home care helps you to identify issues early enough that you can get urgent treatment, instead of finding it late and causing infections and complications. You can also place an order for a foot massager for diabetics and get yourself massaged to keep a check on blood circulat ...
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