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Manufacturing Budgets Excel Worksheet

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Coopie Awards produces brass plaques. They operates in 3 regions of the country. The western region sales manager estimat The central regional manager estimates sales of 10,000 plaques for the region and the eastern sales manager estimates slaes Requirement: Prepare the sales budget for Coopie Awards Region Western Central Eastern Total Units Coopie Awards Sales Budget For the current Year Sales Volume Selling Price Total Sales 20000 $35 $700,000 10,000 $35 $350,000 15,000 $35 $525,000 45000 $1,575,000 n sales manager estimates slaes of 15,000 plaques for the region. Each plaque sells for $35. Coopie Awards projected sales of 45,000 brass plaques for the year. The estimated January 1 inventory is 3,000 plaques, and Requirement: Prepare the production budget in units for Coopie Awards. Coopie Awards Production Budget For the current year Sales Plus desired ending inventory Total Less estimated beginning inventory Total Production 45,000 5,000 50,000 3,000 47,000 ventory is 3,000 plaques, and the desired December 31 inventory is 5,000 units. Coopie Awards budgeted production of 47,000 brass plaques for the year. 96 square inches are required for each brass plaqu The desired December 31 brass sheet inventory is 200,000 square inches. Brash sheet costs $0.12 per square inch. Requirement: Prepare the direct materials purchases budget for Coopie Awards Coopie Awards Direct Materials Purchases Budget For the current Year Units Required for Production (47,000X96) 4,512,000 ...
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