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Solar Energy & Fuels Practice Exam

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Electrical Engineering
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2.1 Manufacturing of Monocrystalline Silicon EQ2.1.1 Manufacturing of Monocrystalline Silicon 1.0/1.0 point (graded) Which of the following processes is used in order to fabricate monocrystalline silicon? Note that more than one correct answer is possible. The Czochralski process Silicon ribbon process The float-zone process The silicon casting process correct You have used 1 of 1 attempt 2.2 Effect of Bypass Diodes EQ2.2.1 Effect of Bypass Diodes 1.0/1.0 point (graded) A given solar cell has the following specifications: Isc=4A Voc=0.7V 36 identical cells with the above specifications are to be interconnected to create a PV module. What is the open-circuit voltage (in V) of the PV module if all the solar cells are connected in a series configuration? 25.2 correct 25.2 You have used 1 of 3 attempts Some problems have options such as save, reset, hints, or show answer. These options follow the Submit button. EQ2.2.2 Effect of Bypass Diodes 1.0/1.0 point (graded) What is the short-circuit current (in A) of the PV module if all the solar cells are connected in a series configuration? 4 correct 4 You have used 1 of 3 attempts Some problems have options such as save, reset, hints, or show answer. These options follow the Submit button. EQ2.2.3 Effect of Bypass Diodes 1.0/1.0 point (graded) Now suppose that the PV module mentioned above is set up using a series connection of solar cells with the above mentioned specifications. Two of the solar cells have gone faulty (comp ...
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