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The Ottawa Way Thrives Article Critique

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A customer-centric culture is a brand that creates policies, processes, cultures, and
products that are created to improve the customer experience as they work towards achieving
their goals. Brands that are customer based are committed passionately to the belief that
customers should come first. The customer service approach is important for local governments.
It is imperative that local governments adopt an approach that is customer-centric if they are
working towards achieving the delivery of high-quality services valuing their customer. This
document discusses "The Ottawa Way Thrives" article by Bill Capodagli and AL Vanderberg.
The article by Vanderberg and Capodagli discusses the benefits of local governments
having a customer-centric culture (Vanderberg and Capodagli, 2015). According to the
government of Ottawa, there are numerous benefits to be gained from the approach. Ottawa
County is an important destination for the Grand Havens coast guard, and Michigan's festival of
thee Tulip time. Besides these two festivals, it is a county that heavily relies on the people who
do business with it, the people residing in the county, and the people visiting the county. These
are among the many reasons that concern the county about improving its customer-based
approach despite having a monopoly service that is shared by counties.
According to the authors, a customer-based approach is important because it has both
direct and indirect benefits to the county. If companies start a new business in the county because
of its customer-based approach, it will increase the number of jobs available for its residents. The
authors state that if a company offers around 100 jobs, then there will be about 200 additional
jobs that arise from supporting the new business in the county. Additionally, I agree with the
authors' view that if an executive is in the county for visitation purposes and experiences a nice
customer service, this might make them consider locating or branching their businesses. Counties

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Article critique Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Article critique Instructor’s Name Date A customer-centric culture is a brand that creates policies, processes, cultures, and products that are created to improve the customer experience as they work towards achieving their goals. Brands that are customer based are committed passionately to the belief that customers should come first. The customer service approach is important for local governments. It is imperative that local governments adopt an approach that is customer-centric if they are working towards achieving the delivery of high-quality services valuing their customer. This document discusses "The Ottawa Way Thrives" article by Bill Capodagli and AL Vanderberg. The article by Vanderberg and Capodagli discusses the benefits of local governments having a customer-centric culture (Vanderberg and Capodagli, 2015). According to the government of Ottawa, there are numerous benefits to be gained from the approach. Ottawa County is an important destination for the Grand Havens coast guard, and Michigan's festival of thee Tulip time. Besides these two festivals, it is a county that heavily relies on the people who do ...
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