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Special Needs Research Paper

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Cultural Competence
Institutional Affiliation
Author Note
Course Number and Name

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Cultural Competence 2
Cultural Competence
History of Special Needs Education
In Greece, special needs education can be tracked from the beginning of the 20
century. However, during these early years, the teaching of individuals with special needs
was mostly done by philanthropists and great educators (Blanc, 2019). These were among the
few groups of people who saw the need to educate the less fortunate ones. During the 1960s,
the policy for people with disabilities was amended, and they could now access education.
Similarly, the United States of America did not value tuition for people with special needs. In
the USA in 1893, a student was expelled due to low academic ability by the Massachusetts
Supreme Court. Brown V. Board of Education sparked the belief that everyone had the right
to public education, including those with disabilities in 1954. Later the EAHCA was passed
by the federal government in 1975; this Act was later modified to IDEA to toughen the safety
of the disabled students.
Cultural Perception and Stereotypes
Culturally, both Greece and the United States of America viewed the disabled as weak
and unfit. Historically, the Greeks were believed to discard deformed children right from the
time they were born. However, the perception and the stereotypes against the disabled people
started to change with the dawn of the 20
century. In both countries, policies were being
implemented to ensure they were given equal rights.
Assessment Procedures
The assessment for the disabled in the USA is mainly done by a body known as the
SSA. The SSA would often require reports from a medical officer indicating the type of
impairment and the functional limitation to perform an activity. The same procedure for
assessing people with special needs is practiced in Greece. However, they are mainly done by

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Cultural Competence Institutional Affiliation Author Note Course Number and Name Professor Date Cultural Competence 2 Cultural Competence History of Special Needs Education In Greece, special needs education can be tracked from the beginning of the 20th century. However, during these early years, the teaching of individuals with special needs was mostly done by philanthropists and great educators (Blanc, 2019). These were among the few groups of people who saw the need to educate the less fortunate ones. During the 1960s, the policy for people with disabilities was amended, and they could now access education. Similarly, the United States of America did not value tuition for people with special needs. In the USA in 1893, a student was expelled due to low academic ability by the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Brown V. Board of Education sparked the belief that everyone had the right to public education, including those with disabilities in 1954. Later the EAHCA was passed by the federal government in 1975; this Act was later modified to IDEA to toughen the safety of the disabled students. Cultural Perception and Stereotypes Culturally, both Greece and the United States of Americ ...
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