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APUS Challenges Faced by US Customs and Border Protection Paper

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Political Science
American Public University System
Research Paper
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Midterm Assignment
George Faron

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Challenges Faced by US Customs and Border Protection
There are many daily challenges that US Customs and Border Protection must face while
making all attempts to secure our border and keep Americans safe. A few of these challenges
include catching, arresting, and detaining those who attempt to smuggle illegal items into the
United States. Some of the items that cause a daily struggle are things such as illegal drugs,
illegal guns, illegal immigrants, and even money is found. Not only do these officers have to
make arrests and incarcerate people on a daily basis, they are tasked with the hard duties of
searching thousands of vehicles, cargo ships, and people daily just to find anything illegal that
may be attempting to come into the US illegally.
The functional equivalent of the border is a boundary that is set in place to protect the
United States and also protects other countries from exports that are coming out of the United
States. This boundary is much like the boundary that local police have set in place that allow
them to go a certain amount of distance into the next territory in order to catch someone
committing illegal activity. These areas are often found in the form of an airport or cargo
shipping dock that would protrude into the ocean causing a need for extended areas of coverage
by the CBP.
As pertaining to border searches the only thing that the fourth amendment there are a few
exceptions to the rules such as being able to search any and all vehicles, anything illegal in plain
view, a person who has already been arrested for possessing illegal drugs, someone who is
already being chased by police, a person who has been frisked, or a person who gives consent to
be searched. Since cars or other vehicles are so easy to transport illegal people and items into the
US most are searched as they cross the border if they appear suspicious. Any illegal item in plain
view is a certain giveaway that the person is carrying illegal items and needs to be searched right

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Running Head: MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT 1 Midterm Assignment name 8/30/2019 APUS George Faron 2 Challenges Faced by US Customs and Border Protection There are many daily challenges that US Customs and Border Protection must face while making all attempts to secure our border and keep Americans safe. A few of these challenges include catching, arresting, and detaining those who attempt to smuggle illegal items into the United States. Some of the items that cause a daily struggle are things such as illegal drugs, illegal guns, illegal immigrants, and even money is found. Not only do these officers have to make arrests and incarcerate people on a daily basis, they are tasked with the hard duties of searching thousands of vehicles, cargo ships, and people daily just to find anything illegal that may be attempting to come into the US illegally. The functional equivalent of the border is a boundary that is set in place to protect the United States and also protects other countries from exports that are coming out of the United States. This boundary is much like the boundary that local police have set in place that allow them to go a certain amount of distance into the next territory in order to catch someone committing illegal activity. These areas are often found in the form of an airport or cargo shipping dock that would protrude into the ocean causing a need for extended areas of coverage by the CBP. As pertaining to border searches the only thing that the fourth amendment there a ...
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