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Intellectual Property, Border Control & National Security Discussion

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Political Science
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Running Head: FINAL ASSIGNMENT Sutton 1
Final Assignment
September 30, 2019
HLSS311 I001/George Faron

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Intellectual Property
Intellectual property or IT is known in other words as intangible which means that the
property cannot actually be moved, felt, or in some cases not having a real existence. Things
such as rules, laws, monopolies, morals, values, characteristics, trust, authorization, protection,
and ownership are all intangible or Intellectual Property (IT). A business or trademarks are
intangible, but the company building and assets are known as tangible items that one can touch
and see. Intellectual property or IT deals with possessing or owning real property such as land,
including personal property which is someone’s personal belongings. When someone owns land
or personal property they have certain rights set in place that allow them to do what they want on
their land, keep other people from being able to take over or buy their land, and are able to
protect the land as their own.
Counterfeit merchandise brought into the country impacts the U.S. economy in many
very negative ways. It is a heavy financial burden, black market electronic sales has become such
a burden that major electronics companies are taking huge losses, These companies get a bad
reputation, and causes them to also lose money in stocks. The economy is also taking huge losses
because these knock off items do not perform as well, if at all, better than the original item made
by the real owners so people have to buy more of them. American jobs are also being greatly
affected since people are buying more items from overseas it has cut down on the need of
employees in the US. There has been a worldwide increase in the amount of jobs lost to the black
market while almost a million American jobs lost, while only one-fourth of those people are able
to find other employment (Sowder, Arlee. 1822 2019).

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Running Head: FINAL ASSIGNMENT Sutton 1 Final Assignment name September 30, 2019 APUS HLSS311 I001/George Faron 2 Intellectual Property Intellectual property or IT is known in other words as intangible which means that the property cannot actually be moved, felt, or in some cases not having a real existence. Things such as rules, laws, monopolies, morals, values, characteristics, trust, authorization, protection, and ownership are all intangible or Intellectual Property (IT). A business or trademarks are intangible, but the company building and assets are known as tangible items that one can touch and see. Intellectual property or IT deals with possessing or owning real property such as land, including personal property which is someone’s personal belongings. When someone owns land or personal property they have certain rights set in place that allow them to do what they want on their land, keep other people from being able to take over or buy their land, and are able to protect the land as their own. Counterfeit merchandise brought into the country impacts the U.S. economy in many very negative ways. It is a heavy financial burden, black market electronic sales has become such a burden that major electronics companies are taking huge losses, These companies get a bad reputation, and causes them to also lose money in stocks. The economy is also taking huge losses because these knock off items do not perform as well, if at all, better than the original item made by the ...
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