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Border Control Offensive, Public Health & Safety Concerns Discussion

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Political Science
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Week 5 Discussion and Replies
Actions that Prompted Border Control Offensive
Before the implementation of border control, it was not illegal to
cross the border into the US without authorization. In 1929, a bill
was passed in the United States, which aimed at restricting
immigration on the SW border. On the Mexico-US border, illegal
immigration became a priority since the government became
more concerned with the increased gun and drug trafficking cases
among the Mexicans in the country. Another reason for
prioritizing SW border immigration was to keep out the Asian
immigrants who the government learned that were using Mexico
as an entry point into the United States. Increase in several
terrorist activities across the country has also forced the current
regime of President Trump to make illegal immigration a top
priority (Steil & Vasi, 2014). The government wants to protect its
citizens, and hence, anyone entering the US borders has to be
well documented. The government also feels that illegal
immigrants take job opportunities which belong to the people of
the US hence increasing the level of unemployment in the
country. Therefore, to protect the nation from these immigrants
both in the Northern and SW borders, the Border Control
Offensive prioritized the issue of illegal immigration.
Public Health and Safety Concerns
With regards to these border enforcements, the enemies of the
US include drug traffickers, terrorists, and other illegal
immigrants who may take up job opportunities from the US
citizens. Inadequate protection of the people from these illicit
immigrants puts the food system and public health at risk.
Undocumented workers, especially in the agricultural, are
exposed to injuries, pesticides, waste products, and bacteria that
resist antibiotics hence risking their lives (Steil & Vasi, 2014).

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Week 5 Discussion and Replies Actions that Prompted Border Control Offensive Before the implementation of border control, it was not illegal to cross the border into the US without authorization. In 1929, a bill was passed in the United States, which aimed at restricting immigration on the SW border. On the Mexico-US border, illegal immigration became a priority since the government became more concerned with the increased gun and drug trafficking cases among the Mexicans in the country. Another reason for prioritizing SW border immigration was to keep out the Asian immigrants who the governme ...
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