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Smart Borders Discussion

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Political Science
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Week 6 DQ (400 words)
Discussion Questions: Describe "Smart Borders" in the context of detection capability? Examine
Intellectual Property theft/violations and the economic impact of border security?
Smart borders are a newer, improved, method of border policing that is
much more effective than past methods used. Smart borders are permeable
boundaries set up to ease administration and to profit those on both side of
the border. This happens when two bordering countries agree to help and
work with one another to fight crime and keep the illegal border crossing to
a very minimum. It takes the efforts of both countries involved to make this
work because both countries require strict rules to cross the borders (into or
out of the country) with people, goods, or services. It also requires both
countries to act fast in any instance that may appear suspicious, even
though it could potentially be safe. This means that if a person is crossing
the border into America or Canada and they happen to look suspicious it is
safer to search them in any instance to protect both countries. Canada and
the United States are working towards this goal using mutual recognition of
security clearances and credentials of transportation workers. For example,
Canada and the United States are working together and studying the
possibility use of a newer credential for hauling of dangerous goods. This
newer credential agreement consists of four pillars which help the secure
flow of people, the secure flow of goods, secure infrastructure, and
information sharing and coordination in the enforcement of these objectives.
An agreement was also signed to permit both countries to systematically
share information on refugee or asylum claimants. This will help each
country identify potential security and criminal threats and expose forum
shoppers who only wish to seek asylum in both systems. Canada and the
United States have agreed to enhance cooperation between our respective
diplomatic and consular posts overseas, which will allow our officials to more
routinely and more efficiently share information on intelligence and specific
data concerning high-risk individuals. The two countries consult one another
during the process of reviewing a third country for the purpose of either a
visa imposition or visa exemption. This newer smart border method is the
only true way to do business with other countries safely and is the only true
way to keep a border open for commerce and travel and at the same time
keep it closed to terrorist threats and other illicit items.

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Week 6 DQ (400 words) Discussion Questions: Describe "Smart Borders" in the context of detection capability? Examine Intellectual Property theft/violations and the economic impact of border security? Smart borders are a newer, improved, method of border policing that is much more effective than past methods used. Smart borders are permeable boundaries set up to ease administration and to profit those on both side of the border. This happens when two bordering countries agree to help and work with one another to fight crime and keep the illegal border crossing to a very minimum. It takes the e ...
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