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Maritime Transportation Security Discussion

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Political Science
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Week 7 DQ
Comparing these three acts is quite simple since they all take place at
ports, involve vessels, involve crime, and happen over an open ocean. All
three of these acts were also established by President Gorge W. Bush and
the main focus of these three acts are to keep our ports, country, and
citizens safe from any dangers that may potentially come into the United
States through sea or by a vessel. Although the three acts have various
differences they have these major things in common with one another.
President Bush fought very hard to keep our country safe from illegal drugs,
items, guns, and people.
The Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 was established by
President Bush and the main interest in this situation was to bring light to
major concerns about the security of each waterway and port that was
involved with importing and exporting goods or services into the country or
out of the country. This act put much stricter laws in place at our ports
involving workers at the ports and each ship that attempts to approach. The
Act has proven to be very beneficial in ensuring the safety at each port,
while also being able to recognize threats better and have the ability to turn
them away before they become an issue. This act was the first step in
making sure that the US was covered by “additional protective layers of
defense” (The Young Firm. 2015).
The Safe Port Act was also established by President Bush, but was set
into place four years later in 2006. The main purpose of this act was to shed
light on port security and gambling that was being conducted online. “This
landmark legislation was a major step forward in helping CBP achieve its
mission of securing our ports and strengthening our nation’s supply chain
security” (Kerlikowske, 2017). This act was created to make sure that all
cargo was inspected, ships were inspected, and that all material coming into
the country was inspected thoroughly to make sure that there were no
dangerous signs of radiation that would suggest that any nuclear items were
on board. Normal daily items put of a certain amount of radiation such as
“cat litter, bananas, certain types of fertilizers, and granite countertops”
(Kerlikowske, 2017). Any vessel that was carrying cargo which exceeded
these limits was deterred away from the US coastline, searched, and seized.
The Small Vessel Security Strategy was established to ensure that no
small boats or small shipping boats make access to the US that are

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Week 7 DQ Comparing these three acts is quite simple since they all take place at ports, involve vessels, involve crime, and happen over an open ocean. All three of these acts were also established by President Gorge W. Bush and the main focus of these three acts are to keep our ports, country, and citizens safe from any dangers that may potentially come into the United States through sea or by a vessel. Although the three acts have various differences they have these major things in common with one another. President Bush fought very hard to keep our country safe from illegal drugs, items, g ...
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