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External Borders of New Europe Discussion

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Political Science
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Wk 8 Discussion Questions:
The external borders of New Europe are extended trade routes that
happen to be borders off the coast of New Europe that were established to
ensure secure borders and no illegal entry. The U.S. - Mexico border is an
international trade route that separates the USA and Mexico from one
another. This high traffic border is highly protected on both sides. The U.S-
Canadian border is not as high traffic as the other two and small parts of it
are not even heavily secured! “The Canadian border is delineated with nine
pots of pink and purple petunias and a sign ordering people not to cross
(Bidgood, 2018). One thing that all of these borders have in common is that
they are different access points to the United States. They are all three very
different in threats, security, and illegal activities. The Mexican border has a
higher potential for illegal activities while the Canada border has a very low
The Cold War caused massive amounts of tension between the United
States and New Europe. There were wars and America though it careless of
New Europe to attempt to leave their borders open, but after a struggle the
New Europe borders still remain open. The United States would have serious
issues to deal with if the borders remained open for anyone. Canada may
also have trouble too if their border were open.
This class has helped me a lot, especially by means of correcting me
when I am wrong. I had a little information misconstrued a few times, but
was able to clear up any misunderstandings. My perception of homeland
security has deepened and I am able to learn about more personal and
specific situations actual people were put in and I was able to get a better
understanding of what actual people went through and the torture they
Bidgood, Jess. (2018). Where U.S.-Canadian Border Is Marked by Petunias,
Not a Wall. Retrieved from

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Wk 8 Discussion Questions: The external borders of New Europe are extended trade routes that happen to be borders off the coast of New Europe that were established to ensure secure borders and no illegal entry. The U.S. - Mexico border is an international trade route that separates the USA and Mexico from one another. This high traffic border is highly protected on both sides. The U.SCanadian border is not as high traffic as the other two and small parts of it are not even heavily secured! “The Canadian border is delineated with nine pots of pink and purple petunias and a sign ordering peopl ...
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