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IDS 100 SNHU Special Education Though Social Science PPT

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Education & Teaching
Southern New Hampshire University
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Special Education And
Learning Disability Though
Social Science and History
science lens
Shanell Norfleet
Perspectives in Liberal Arts IDS 100

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The reason why I chose special education and through a Social
Science and History Science is because I want to see the effect
or what make it into special education and do sociall in history
have a part in it

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Special Education And Learning Disability Though Social Science and History science lens Shanell Norfleet Perspectives in Liberal Arts IDS 100 07/10/2020 Introduction The reason why I chose special education and through a Social Science and History Science is because I want to see the effect or what make it into special education and do sociall in history have a part in it Special education and learning disability and Social Science lens ● A part of the social science is called sociocultural lens it has a qualitative approach to examine casual attributions ● Caregiving approach to parents of children disability ● For example 16 mothers and three fathers participated in activity processing of their child intellectual disability ● So when is information that I have I want to bet social science basically is like a history because it gives you information from way back when and they also give you facts it's just like history Special Education and Learning Disability and History Science lens.. ● As early as the 20th century people voice concern over many issues for example infant mortality childhood diseases and child labor ● In the mid-twentieth century people became more positive on people with disabilities for example soldiers that returned home from World War 1 & 2 they came back with missing lamps and other disabilities ● Is the 1940s and 1950s what people's do off people with disabilities for example for pearl buck, Dale Evans and Kennedys family was sp ...
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